Outlook Saving multiple Attachment with Subject Name


New Member
Oct 15, 2018

I got this sample script from Microsoft office website, and it works great in saving attachments from selected e-mail.

however, I want to include or have just subject of an e-mail as file name, but not sure how to do about it.

I have tried declaring following variables

Dim itm As MailItem
Dim strSubject As String

strSubject = itm.Subject

and concatenate strsbject on to attachment path.

strAtmtPath = strFolderPath & atmt.FileName &strSubject

but, that didn't work.

any help is greatly appreciated.

Option Explicit

' *****************
' For Outlook 2010.
' *****************
#If VBA7 Then
' The window handle of Outlook.
Private lHwnd As LongPtr

' /* API declarations. */
Private Declare PtrSafe Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPtr

' *****************************************
' For the previous version of Outlook 2010.
' *****************************************
' The window handle of Outlook.
Private lHwnd As Long

' /* API declarations. */
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
#End If

' The class name of Outlook window.
Private Const olAppCLSN As String = "rctrl_renwnd32"
' Windows desktop - the virtual folder that is the root of the namespace.
Private Const CSIDL_DESKTOP = &H0
' Only return file system directories. If the user selects folders that are not part of the file system, the OK button is grayed.
' Do not include network folders below the domain level in the dialog box's tree view control.
' The maximum length for a path is 260 characters.
Private Const MAX_PATH = 260

' ######################################################
' Returns the number of attachements in the selection.
' ######################################################
Public Function SaveAttachmentsFromSelection() As Long
Dim objFSO As Object ' Computer's file system object.
Dim objShell As Object ' Windows Shell application object.
Dim objFolder As Object ' The selected folder object from Browse for Folder dialog box.
Dim objItem As Object ' A specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.
Dim selItems As Selection ' A collection of Outlook item objects in a folder.
Dim atmt As Attachment ' A document or link to a document contained in an Outlook item.
Dim strAtmtPath As String ' The full saving path of the attachment.
Dim strAtmtFullName As String ' The full name of an attachment.
Dim strAtmtName(1) As String ' strAtmtName(0): to save the name; strAtmtName(1): to save the file extension. They are separated by dot of an attachment file name.
Dim strAtmtNameTemp As String ' To save a temporary attachment file name.
Dim intDotPosition As Integer ' The dot position in an attachment name.
Dim atmts As Attachments ' A set of Attachment objects that represent the attachments in an Outlook item.
Dim lCountEachItem As Long ' The number of attachments in each Outlook item.
Dim lCountAllItems As Long ' The number of attachments in all Outlook items.
Dim strFolderPath As String ' The selected folder path.
Dim blnIsEnd As Boolean ' End all code execution.
Dim blnIsSave As Boolean ' Consider if it is need to save.

blnIsEnd = False
blnIsSave = False
lCountAllItems = 0

On Error Resume Next

Set selItems = ActiveExplorer.Selection

If Err.Number = 0 Then

' Get the handle of Outlook window.
lHwnd = FindWindow(olAppCLSN, vbNullString)

If lHwnd <> 0 Then

' /* Create a Shell application object to pop-up BrowseForFolder dialog box. */
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(lHwnd, "Select folder to save attachments:", _

' /* Failed to create the Shell application. */
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Run-time error '" & CStr(Err.Number) & " (0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & ")':" & vbNewLine & _
Err.Description & ".", vbCritical, "Error from Attachment Saver"
blnIsEnd = True
End If

If objFolder Is Nothing Then
strFolderPath = ""
blnIsEnd = True
strFolderPath = CGPath(objFolder.Self.Path)

' /* Go through each item in the selection. */
For Each objItem In selItems
lCountEachItem = objItem.Attachments.Count

' /* If the current item contains attachments. */
If lCountEachItem > 0 Then
Set atmts = objItem.Attachments

' /* Go through each attachment in the current item. */
For Each atmt In atmts

' Get the full name of the current attachment.
strAtmtFullName = atmt.FileName '& itm.Subject

' Find the dot postion in atmtFullName.
intDotPosition = InStrRev(strAtmtFullName, ".")

' Get the name.
strAtmtName(0) = Left$(strAtmtFullName, intDotPosition - 1)
' Get the file extension.
strAtmtName(1) = Right$(strAtmtFullName, Len(strAtmtFullName) - intDotPosition)
' Get the full saving path of the current attachment.
strAtmtPath = strFolderPath & atmt.FileName

' /* If the length of the saving path is not larger than 260 characters.*/
If Len(strAtmtPath) <= MAX_PATH Then
' True: This attachment can be saved.
blnIsSave = True

' /* Loop until getting the file name which does not exist in the folder. */
Do While objFSO.FileExists(strAtmtPath)
strAtmtNameTemp = strAtmtName(0) & _
Format(Now, "_mmddhhmmss") & _
Format(Timer * 1000 Mod 1000, "000")
strAtmtPath = strFolderPath & strAtmtNameTemp & "." & strAtmtName(1)

' /* If the length of the saving path is over 260 characters.*/
If Len(strAtmtPath) > MAX_PATH Then
lCountEachItem = lCountEachItem - 1
' False: This attachment cannot be saved.
blnIsSave = False
Exit Do
End If

' /* Save the current attachment if it is a valid file name. */
If blnIsSave Then atmt.SaveAsFile strAtmtPath
lCountEachItem = lCountEachItem - 1
End If
End If

' Count the number of attachments in all Outlook items.
lCountAllItems = lCountAllItems + lCountEachItem
End If
MsgBox "Failed to get the handle of Outlook window!", vbCritical, "Error from Attachment Saver"
blnIsEnd = True
End If

' /* For run-time error:
' The Explorer has been closed and cannot be used for further operations.
' Review your code and restart Outlook. */
MsgBox "Please select an Outlook item at least.", vbExclamation, "Message from Attachment Saver"
blnIsEnd = True
End If

SaveAttachmentsFromSelection = lCountAllItems

' /* Release memory. */
If Not (objFSO Is Nothing) Then Set objFSO = Nothing
If Not (objItem Is Nothing) Then Set objItem = Nothing
If Not (selItems Is Nothing) Then Set selItems = Nothing
If Not (atmt Is Nothing) Then Set atmt = Nothing
If Not (atmts Is Nothing) Then Set atmts = Nothing

' /* End all code execution if the value of blnIsEnd is True. */
If blnIsEnd Then End
End Function

' #####################
' Convert general path.
' #####################
Public Function CGPath(ByVal Path As String) As String
If Right(Path, 1) <> "" Then Path = Path & ""
CGPath = Path
End Function

' ######################################
' Run this macro for saving attachments.
' ######################################
Public Sub ExecuteSaving()
Dim lNum As Long

lNum = SaveAttachmentsFromSelection

If lNum > 0 Then
MsgBox CStr(lNum) & " attachment(s) was(were) saved successfully.", vbInformation, "Message from Attachment Saver"
MsgBox "No attachment(s) in the selected Outlook items.", vbInformation, "Message from Attachment Saver"
End If
End Sub

This version adds the message subject to the file name:

Public Function SaveAttachmentsFromSelection&()
    Dim objFSO              As Object       ' Computer's file system object.
    Dim objShell            As Object       ' Windows Shell application object.
    Dim objFolder           As Object       ' The selected folder object from Browse for Folder dialog box.
    Dim objItem             As Object       ' A specific member of a Collection object either by position or by key.
    Dim selItems            As Selection    ' A collection of Outlook item objects in a folder.
    Dim atmt                As attachment   ' A document or link to a document contained in an Outlook item.
    Dim atpt$                               ' The full saving path of the attachment.
    Dim atfulln$                            ' The full name of an attachment.
    Dim atname$(1)                          ' atname(0): to save the name; atname(1): to save the file extension. They are separated by dot of an attachment file name.
    Dim atnameTemp$                         ' To save a temporary attachment file name.
    Dim intDotPosition      As Integer      ' The dot position in an attachment name.
    Dim atmts               As Attachments  ' A set of Attachment objects that represent the attachments in an Outlook item.
    Dim lCountEachItem      As Long         ' The number of attachments in each Outlook item.
    Dim lCountAllItems      As Long         ' The number of attachments in all Outlook items.
    Dim fpath$                              ' The selected folder path.
    Dim blnIsEnd            As Boolean      ' End all code execution.
    Dim blnIsSave           As Boolean      ' Consider if it is need to save.
    blnIsEnd = False
    blnIsSave = False
    lCountAllItems = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    Set selItems = ActiveExplorer.Selection
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
        lHwnd = FindWindow(olAppCLSN, vbNullString) ' Get the handle of Outlook window.
        If lHwnd <> 0 Then
            ' /* Create a Shell application object to pop-up BrowseForFolder dialog box. */
            Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
            Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(lHwnd, "Select folder to save attachments:", _
            ' /* Failed to create the Shell application. */
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                MsgBox "Run-time error '" & CStr(Err.Number) & " (0x" & CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) & ")':" & vbNewLine & _
                       Err.Description & ".", vbCritical, "Error from Attachment Saver"
                blnIsEnd = True
                GoTo PROC_EXIT
            End If
            If objFolder Is Nothing Then
                fpath = ""
                blnIsEnd = True
                GoTo PROC_EXIT
                fpath = CGPath(objFolder.Self.Path)
                ' /* Go through each item in the selection. */
                For Each objItem In selItems
                    lCountEachItem = objItem.Attachments.Count
                    If lCountEachItem > 0 Then                      ' /* If the current item contains attachments. */
                        Set atmts = objItem.Attachments
                        ' /* Go through each attachment in the current item. */
                        For Each atmt In atmts
                            atfulln = atmt.FileName ' Get the full name of the current attachment.
                            intDotPosition = InStrRev(atfulln, ".") ' find dot position
                            atname(0) = Left$(atfulln, intDotPosition - 1) ' get name
                            atname(1) = Right$(atfulln, Len(atfulln) - intDotPosition) ' file extension
                            atpt = fpath & atname(0) & "_" & objItem.Subject & "." & atname(1)
                            ' /* If the length of the saving path is not larger than 260 characters.*/
                            If Len(atpt) <= MAX_PATH Then
                                blnIsSave = True    ' can be saved
                                ' /* Loop until getting the file name which does not exist in the folder. */
                                Do While objFSO.FileExists(atpt)
                                    atnameTemp = atname(0) & Format(Now, "_mmddhhmmss") & Format(Timer * 1000 Mod 1000, "000")
                                    atpt = fpath & atnameTemp & "_" & objItem.Subject & "." & atname(1)
                                    ' /* If the length of the saving path is over 260 characters.*/
                                    If Len(atpt) > MAX_PATH Then
                                        lCountEachItem = lCountEachItem - 1
                                        blnIsSave = False   ' cannot be saved
                                        Exit Do
                                    End If
                                ' /* Save the current attachment if it is a valid file name. */
                                If blnIsSave Then atmt.SaveAsFile atpt
                                lCountEachItem = lCountEachItem - 1
                            End If
                    End If
                    ' Count the number of attachments in all Outlook items.
                    lCountAllItems = lCountAllItems + lCountEachItem
            End If
            MsgBox "Failed to get the handle of Outlook window!", vbCritical, "Error from Attachment Saver"
            blnIsEnd = True
            GoTo PROC_EXIT
        End If
    ' /* For run-time error:
    '    The Explorer has been closed and cannot be used for further operations.
    '    Review your code and restart Outlook. */
        MsgBox "Please select an Outlook item at least.", vbExclamation, "Message from Attachment Saver"
        blnIsEnd = True
    End If
    SaveAttachmentsFromSelection = lCountAllItems
    ' /* Release memory. */
    If Not (objFSO Is Nothing) Then Set objFSO = Nothing
    If Not (objItem Is Nothing) Then Set objItem = Nothing
    If Not (selItems Is Nothing) Then Set selItems = Nothing
    If Not (atmt Is Nothing) Then Set atmt = Nothing
    If Not (atmts Is Nothing) Then Set atmts = Nothing
    ' /* End all code execution if the value of blnIsEnd is True. */
    If blnIsEnd Then End
End Function
Upvote 0
Hello Worf,

I am getting a compile Error: Sub or Function not defined.


lHwnd = FindWindow(olAppCLSN, vbNullString) ' Get the handle of Outlook window.

Thank you
Upvote 0
You need the rest of the original code, just replace the section I posted.
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