
Organization chart with VBA – Part 2


Well-known Member
Oct 30, 2011
Worf submitted a new Excel article:

Organization chart with VBA – Part 2 - This version offers the option of starting at top or bottom.

  • This is a continuation of the article mentioned below; instead of updating, I decided to create another one.
  • Now there is an option to make a top to bottom chart.
  • As before, the source table goes on a sheet named “fshap”.
  • You need to insert two sheets named “tdata” and “secdata”.
Part 1

View attachment 16719

VBA Code:
Dim h%, w%

Sub main()...

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Excel Facts

Square and cube roots
The =SQRT(25) is a square root. For a cube root, use =125^(1/3). For a fourth root, use =625^(1/4).
Hi - Nice code - do you have a copy of simpler version that doe not include descriptions or percentages? Thanks in advance!
Try this version, leaving the columns for description and percentages blank at the source range.

VBA Code:
Dim h%, w%

Sub main()                                                  ' run me
Dim i%, ob As Worksheet, dt As Worksheet, r As Range, tb As Shape
Set dt = Sheets("tdata")
Set ob = Sheets("fshap")
h = 1
w = 1
Set tb = dt.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 500, 70, 50, 50)
tb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = "Milou"
tb.TextFrame2.AutoSize = msoAutoSizeShapeToFitText
tb.TextFrame2.WordWrap = msoFalse
tb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 16
For i = 1 To ob.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row       ' determine big shape size
    tb.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = Cells(i, 1) & vbLf & Cells(i, 3)
    If tb.Height > h Then h = tb.Height
    If tb.Width > w Then w = tb.Width
Application.CutCopyMode = 0
ob.[a1].CurrentRegion.Copy                                  ' original table
Sheets("secdata").[bb1].PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
For i = ob.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Phase2 True, False                                            ' move shapes
Phase2 False, False                                           ' update table
ob.Range("a1").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, xlPasteSpecialOperationNone, False, False
Set r = dt.Range("b:b").Find(WorksheetFunction.Min(dt.[b:b]), dt.[b1], xlValues, xlWhole)
ob.Rows(CStr(Split(ob.[a1].CurrentRegion.Address, "$")(4) + 2) & ":" & _
CStr(Split(ob.Shapes(r.Offset(, -1)).TopLeftCell.Address, "$")(2) - 2)).Delete      ' rows above chart
GroupShapes True                                                ' top to bottom
End Sub

Sub Phase3()                                                  ' draws connectors
Dim v, r As Range, lasto%, i%, y1, y2, yf, x1, x2, ws As Worksheet, _
dt As Worksheet, j%, boss$, nr%
Set ws = Sheets("fshap")
Set dt = Sheets("tdata")
ws.[a1].CurrentRegion.Copy dt.[a1]
[g1] = [b1]
v = Split([a1].CurrentRegion.Address, "$")(4)
Range("b1:b" & v).AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, [g1:g2], [k1], True
For j = 2 To Range("k" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    [m1] = [g1]
    [m2] = Cells(j, "k")
    Range("a1:b" & v).AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, [m1:m2], [n1], False
    Set r = [d:d].Find([m2], [d1], xlValues, xlPart)
    [q1] = [d74]
    [q2] = "*" & [m2] & "*"
    nr = Range("n" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To nr
        Cells(i + 1, "q") = "*" & Cells(i, "n") & "*"
    lasto = Split(Range("q1").CurrentRegion.Address, "$")(4)
    Range("a74:g" & Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).AdvancedFilter _
    xlFilterCopy, Range("q1:q" & lasto), [s1], False
    y1 = WorksheetFunction.Min([t:t]) + WorksheetFunction.Max([w:w])
    yf = y1 + (WorksheetFunction.Max([t:t]) - y1) / 2
    x1 = WorksheetFunction.Min([u:u]) + WorksheetFunction.Max([y:y]) / 2
    x2 = WorksheetFunction.Max([u:u]) + WorksheetFunction.Max([y:y]) / 2
    With ws.Shapes.AddLine(x1, yf, x2, yf).Line                              ' horizontal
        .DashStyle = msoLineSolid
        .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 40, 130)
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    Set r = Range("v:v").Find([m2], [v1], xlValues, xlPart)
    x1 = r.Offset(, -1) + r.Offset(, 3) / 2
    Set r = dt.[f:f].Find(1, dt.[f1], xlValues, xlWhole)                      ' level one
    boss = r.Offset(, -5)
    If [m2] = r.Offset(, -2) And nr Mod 2 = 0 Then                            ' big boss
        dt.[u:u].Copy dt.[aa1]
        Set r = dt.Range("aa:aa").Find(r.Offset(, -3), dt.[aa1], xlValues, xlWhole)
        r = 10000                                                             ' big number
        Sorter "aa", 2, dt
        ws.Shapes(boss).Left = dt.Cells(4 + (Range("aa" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 5) / 2, "aa")
        x1 = ws.Shapes(boss).Left + ws.Shapes(boss).Width / 2
    End If
    With ws.Shapes.AddLine(x1, yf, x1, WorksheetFunction.Max([t:t])).Line     ' father to horizontal line
        .DashStyle = msoLineSolid
        .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 40, 130):    .Weight = 2
    End With
    For i = 2 To Range("n" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                       ' sons to horizontal line
        Set r = Range("v:v").Find(Cells(i, "n").Value, [v1], xlValues, xlPart)
        x1 = r.Offset(, -1) + r.Offset(, 3) / 2
        With ws.Shapes.AddLine(x1, r.Offset(, -2) + r.Offset(, 1), x1, yf).Line
            .DashStyle = msoLineSolid
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 40, 130)
            .Weight = 2
        End With
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To ws.Shapes.Count
    If Not ws.Shapes(i).TextFrame2.TextRange.Text Like "*%*" Then _
    ws.Shapes(i).TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = 16
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Sub Phase1()                                            ' draw original chart
Dim arr(), i%, t
arr = Range([a1].CurrentRegion.Address)                 ' save original table
CreateDiagram ActiveSheet, 1.4
[a1].Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)).Value = arr ' original table
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
    If ActiveSheet.Shapes(i).TopLeftCell = [a1] Then ActiveSheet.Shapes(i).Delete
    t = ActiveSheet.Shapes(i).TextFrame2.TextRange.Text
    If Len(t) And Not t Like "*%*" Then ActiveSheet.Shapes(i).IncrementRotation 180
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Sub Phase2(move As Boolean, geo As Boolean)                 ' increases vertical spacing
Dim ws As Worksheet, i%, s As Shape, r As Range, lr%, delta, v%, sn As Shape, dt As Worksheet, x, boss$
Set dt = Sheets("tdata"): Set ws = Sheets("fshap")
dt.Activate: dt.Cells.ClearContents
Set r = [a75]
On Error Resume Next
For Each s In ws.Shapes
    If Len(s.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text) = 0 Then s.Delete   ' connectors
On Error GoTo 0
[a74] = "name": [b74] = "top": [c74] = "left": [d74] = "text": [e74] = "height"
[h74] = "top": [f74] = "level": [g74] = "width"
For i = 1 To ws.Shapes.Count
    If Not ws.Shapes(i).Name Like "*aux*" Then
        r = ws.Shapes(i).Name
        r.Offset(, 1) = Round(ws.Shapes(i).Top, 0)
        r.Offset(, 2) = Round(ws.Shapes(i).Left, 0)
        r.Offset(, 3) = ws.Shapes(i).TextFrame2.TextRange.Text
        r.Offset(, 4) = Round(ws.Shapes(i).Height, 0)
        r.Offset(, 6) = Round(ws.Shapes(i).Width, 0)
        Set r = r.Offset(1)
    End If
lr = Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("B74:B" & lr).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=[h74:h75], _
CopyToRange:=[i74], Unique:=True
Sorter "i", 75, dt
Range("j75:j" & lr).Formula = "=row()-74"
lr = Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("f75:f" & lr).Formula = "=match(b75,$i$75:$i$" & lr & ",0)"  ' level
If move Then
    delta = WorksheetFunction.Max([e:e])
    For i = 75 To lr
        Set sn = ws.Shapes(Range("a" & i))
        sn.Height = h
        sn.Width = w
        sn.Top = 2000 - delta * Range("f" & i) * 2              ' new vertical position
'        ws.Shapes(Range("a" & i) & "aux").Top = sn.Top + sn.Height
End If
Set r = Range("f1:f" & lr).Find(1, [f1], xlValues, xlWhole)     ' big boss
boss = r.Offset(, -5)
On Error Resume Next
'ws.Shapes(boss & "aux").Delete
On Error GoTo 0
[h75] = 2                                                      'level 2
[h74] = [f74]
Range("a74:g" & lr).AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, [h74:h75], [L74], False
If geo And move Then                                                     ' geometric middle
    x = WorksheetFunction.Max([n:n]) - WorksheetFunction.Min([n:n]) + WorksheetFunction.Max([r:r])
    ws.Shapes(boss).Left = WorksheetFunction.Min([n:n]) + x / 2 - WorksheetFunction.Max([r:r]) / 2
ElseIf move And Not geo Then                                             ' align to nearest shape
    lr = Range("L" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    Range("s75:s" & lr).Formula = "=abs(n75-" & CInt(ws.Shapes(boss).Left) & ")"
    Range("t75:t" & lr).Formula = "=$n75"
    Set r = Range("s:s").Find(WorksheetFunction.Min([s:s]), [s1], xlValues, xlWhole)
    ws.Shapes(boss).Left = r.Offset(, 1)
End If
End Sub

Sub Sorter(col$, rn%, dt As Worksheet)
Dim lr%
lr = Range(col & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
dt.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=dt.Cells(rn, col), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
Order:=2, DataOption:=0
With dt.Sort
    .SetRange dt.Range(Cells(rn, col), Cells(lr, col))
    .Header = xlNo
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End Sub

Sub Adjust()
Dim lr%, i%
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
lr = Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
[k1] = "Seq": [L1] = "code1": [m1] = "code2"
[L2] = [b2]: [n1] = "info": [o1] = "info2": [p1] = "outline"
[m2] = [b2]: [k2] = 2: [n2] = 0.01: [o2] = "desc0"
Range("a2:a" & lr).Copy
[L3].PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Range("b2:b" & lr).Copy
Range("m3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Range("c2:c" & lr).Copy
Range("o3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Range("d2:d" & lr).Copy
Range("n3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Range("e2:e" & lr).Copy
Range("p3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Range("k3:k" & lr + 1).Formula = "=row()"
[k1].CurrentRegion.Copy [a1]                    ' adjusted table
[L2].Interior.Color = RGB(35, 70, 90)
[k1].CurrentRegion.Copy [z100]
End Sub

Sub CreateDiagram(Src As Worksheet, factor#)
Dim sal As SmartArtLayout, QNode As SmartArtNode, QNodes As SmartArtNodes, oshp As Shape, L%, _
i%, r As Range, PID$, mn, mx, ws As Worksheet, crar(), c%, ad, v, t, s As ShapeRange, boss
c = 1
ReDim crar(1 To c)
Set ws = ActiveSheet
For i = 1 To ws.Shapes.Count
Select Case Val(Application.Version)
    Case 15                                 ' Excel 2013
        Set sal = Application.SmartArtLayouts(89)
        Set oshp = ws.Shapes.AddSmartArt(sal)
    Case 16                                 ' Excel 2016
        Set oshp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddSmartArt(Application.SmartArtLayouts _
End Select
oshp.Top = [a50].Top
Set QNodes = oshp.SmartArt.AllNodes
For i = 1 To 5
    oshp.SmartArt.AllNodes(1).Delete        ' initial nodes
L = 2                                       ' look for roots
boss = [b2]
Do While Src.Cells(L, 1) <> ""
    If Src.Cells(L, 2) = Src.Cells(L, 3) Then
        Set QNode = oshp.SmartArt.AllNodes.Add
        QNode.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = Src.Cells(L, 2)
        PID = Src.Cells(L, 2)              ' parent node
        AddChildNodes QNode, Src, PID
        L = L + 1
    End If
oshp.SmartArt.AllNodes(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = boss
oshp.Width = 1000
oshp.Height = 700
CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("SmartArtConvertToShapes")
With Selection
    .ShapeRange.IncrementRotation 180
    .ShapeRange.ScaleWidth factor, msoFalse, msoScaleFromBottomRight       ' overall size
    .ShapeRange.ScaleHeight factor, msoFalse, msoScaleFromBottomRight
End With
Set r = ws.[a2]
On Error Resume Next
For i = 1 To ws.Shapes.Count
    r = ws.Shapes(i).Height
    Set r = r.Offset(1)
mn = WorksheetFunction.Min([a:a])
mx = WorksheetFunction.Max([a:a])
For i = ws.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
    If ws.Shapes(i).Height = mn Then ws.Shapes(i).Delete
    If ws.Shapes(i).Height = mx Then
        crar(c) = ws.Shapes(i).Name
        c = c + 1
        ReDim Preserve crar(1 To c)
    End If
On Error GoTo 0
For i = LBound(crar) To UBound(crar)
    If Len(crar(i)) Then
        v = Split(ws.Shapes(crar(i)).TextFrame2.TextRange.Text, vbLf)(0)
        Set r = Range("aa:aa").Find(v, [aa1], xlValues, 1)
        ad = r.Offset(, 2)
        ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = r.Interior.Color
        Set s = ws.Shapes.Range(Array(crar(i)))
        s.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Bold = msoTrue
        s.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Name = "+mj-lt"
        If r.Offset(, 4) = "O" Then                 ' outline
            With s.Line
                .Weight = 4
                .Visible = msoTrue
                .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(200, 25, 55)
                .Transparency = 0.1
            End With
        End If
        ws.Shapes.AddShape(62, 10, 10, ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Width / 2.5, ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Height / 3).Name = _
        ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Name & "aux"
        With ws.Shapes(ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Name & "aux")
            .Left = ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Left
            .Top = ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Top + ws.Shapes(crar(i)).Height
            .Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 1
            .Line.Transparency = 1
            .Fill.Visible = msoFalse
            .TextFrame.Characters.Text = FormatPercent(ad, 0, vbTrue, vbFalse, -2)
'            .TextFrame.Characters(1, Len(ad)).Font.Size = 9
 '           .TextFrame.Characters(1, Len(ad)).Font.ColorIndex = 0
  '          .TextFrame.Characters(1, Len(ad)).Font.Bold = 1
   '         If ad = 0 Then .TextFrame.Characters.Text = "0%"
        End With
    End If
End Sub

Sub AddChildNodes(QNode As SmartArtNode, Source As Worksheet, PID$)
Dim L%, Found As Boolean, ParNode As SmartArtNode, CurPid$, ad
L = 2
Found = False                           'nothing found yet
Do While Source.Cells(L, 1) <> ""
    If Source.Cells(L, 3) = PID Then
        Set ParNode = QNode
        Set QNode = QNode.AddNode(msoSmartArtNodeBelow)
        QNode.TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = Cells(L, 2) & vbLf & Cells(L, 5)
        CurPid = Source.Cells(L, 2)     ' current parent node
        If Not Found Then Found = True  'something was found
        AddChildNodes QNode, Source, CurPid
        Set QNode = ParNode
        ElseIf Found Then               'it's sorted, nothing else can be found
        Exit Do
        L = L + 1
    End If
End Sub

Sub GroupShapes(tp As Boolean)
Dim ws As Worksheet
If tp Then
    Set ws = Sheets("fshap")
    Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementRotation 180
    ws.Shapes(1).IncrementRotation 180
End If
End Sub
Hi, this is a brilliant post, but when I copy the VBA and use it in my own excel workbook I get an run-time error code 91 on the r.offset lines of code. I have all three tabs set up with the data set also set up correctly.

Please could you advise on how to fix this error? (Also I'm a noob when it comes to VBA so any help will be wonderful!)

Kind regards,
Hi, this is a brilliant post, but when I copy the VBA and use it in my own excel workbook I get an run-time error code 91 on the r.offset lines of code. I have all three tabs set up with the data set also set up correctly.

Please could you advise on how to fix this error? (Also I'm a noob when it comes to VBA so any help will be wonderful!)

Kind regards,
Hi Ollie, or Worf.

I am getting the same error on the same line, please can someone offer support or a suggestion of how to fix this?

This is awesome and would love to get it to work!

Hi @Worf

I have been able to get this to work, but would you be able to change the code so both descriptions go into the boxes and that both descriptions are based off text?

Thank you,

Hi Ollie, or Worf.

I am getting the same error on the same line, please can someone offer support or a suggestion of how to fix this?

This is awesome and would love to get it to work!

Hi Can someone share how to get the code working at r.offset line of code I am getting a error that line
Hi Worf

Can you please share the excel file with me

It would be of great help

Thanks in advance

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