Hi all! I'm working in a piece of code which takes a directory's URL from a range of cells, and overwrites each cell values with the URL of an image that's inside each directory.
Something like this:
(Cell contents before macro) --> (Cell contents after macro)
Range C1:C5
http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-07/ --> http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-07/Image15.jpg
http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-07/ --> http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-07/Image32.jpg
Range D1:D5
http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-08/ --> http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-08/Image12.jpg
http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-08/ --> http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-08/Image13.jpg
I'm pretty new to this and the CODE I'm using is working, but it's VERY slow.. I've 135 Directory URLs in each column
This is the code of the Iexplorer.exe killer
And this is the slow function:
Any help is really appreciated
Something like this:
(Cell contents before macro) --> (Cell contents after macro)
Range C1:C5
http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-07/ --> http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-07/Image15.jpg
http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-07/ --> http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-07/Image32.jpg
Range D1:D5
http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-08/ --> http://server.com/dir01/2018-04-08/Image12.jpg
http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-08/ --> http://server.com/dir02/2018-04-08/Image13.jpg
I'm pretty new to this and the CODE I'm using is working, but it's VERY slow.. I've 135 Directory URLs in each column
End Enum
Sub URLPopulator()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCol As Long
Dim xURL As String
Dim counter1 As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("C1:C5,D1:D5") 'This are the cells with the urls of the folders I'm accesing.
For Each cell In Rng
counter1 = counter1 + 1
If counter1 = 12 Then
Kill_IE 'I call the Sub to kill iexplorer.exe process when there are 12 iexplorer.exe instances loaded on memory. I then reset the counter.
counter1 = 0
End If
xURL = ImportURL(cell) 'Call the function which overwrites the cell contents
cell.Value = cell.Value + xURL
xCol = cell.Column
Set xRg = Cells(cell.Row, xCol)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This is the code of the Iexplorer.exe killer
Sub Kill_IE()
Dim wsh As Object
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True
Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wsh.Run "taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe", windowStyle, waitOnReturn
End Sub
And this is the slow function:
Function ImportURL(url1) As String
Dim ie As InternetExplorer
Dim html As HTMLDocument
Set ie = New InternetExplorer
ie.Visible = False
ie.navigate url1
Do While ie.READYSTATE <> 4
Set html = ie.document
Dim Matu, Seba, Pepe
Matu = html.DocumentElement.innerHTML
Seba = InStr(720, Matu, "jpg") + 5
Pepe = Mid(Matu, Seba, 17) 'After this piece of code, Pepe = ImageXX.jpg , I couldn't find another way to reach the name of the jpg other than this, beacuse it's inside a duplicate tag "< a>"
ImportURL = Pepe
Set ie = Nothing
End Function
Any help is really appreciated