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Hi folks,
I am trying to create a oprisk methodology based on the guidelines provided using VBA until we switch to R language. Could someone verify the code below based on the guidelines provided as well. Statistician background would be really helpful.
Step 1: Calculate the mean number of claims based on the claims historically observed and recorded in the claim database.
Step 2: Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the amount of claims based on the claims historically observed and recorded in the claim database.
Step 3: Calculate the number of claims using a Poisson distribution. The calculation is based on the mean of the historical claims from the claim database, which was calculated in step 1.
Step 4: Calculate the amount of claims using a lognormal distribution. The calculation is based on the mean and standard deviation of the claims historically observed and recorded in the claim database, which were calculated in step 2.
Step 5: Apply a Monte Carlo simulation. The Monte Carlo simulation is based on determining the number of claims using the Poisson distribution from step 3 and determining the amount of claims using the lognormal distribution from step 4. Using the Monte Carlo simulation, 1 million simulation runs are calculated, in which a potential future number of claims and the associated claim amounts are determined for each simulation run.
Step 6: Summing up the claim amounts resulting from the Monte Carlo simulation.
Step 7: Calculating the expected loss by calculating the mean of the summed results of the claim amount from step 6.
Step 8: Calculating the unexpected loss by calculating the standard deviation of the summed results of the claim amount from step 6.
Step 9: Determining the value at risk at the 99.9% confidence level.
Sample data is just as below. 3 columns: No. of Claims (Col A); Recorded Claim (Col. B)
VBA Code:
Will provide the respective formulas if needed. Thank you in advance for helping out.
I am trying to create a oprisk methodology based on the guidelines provided using VBA until we switch to R language. Could someone verify the code below based on the guidelines provided as well. Statistician background would be really helpful.
Step 1: Calculate the mean number of claims based on the claims historically observed and recorded in the claim database.
Step 2: Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the amount of claims based on the claims historically observed and recorded in the claim database.
Step 3: Calculate the number of claims using a Poisson distribution. The calculation is based on the mean of the historical claims from the claim database, which was calculated in step 1.
Step 4: Calculate the amount of claims using a lognormal distribution. The calculation is based on the mean and standard deviation of the claims historically observed and recorded in the claim database, which were calculated in step 2.
Step 5: Apply a Monte Carlo simulation. The Monte Carlo simulation is based on determining the number of claims using the Poisson distribution from step 3 and determining the amount of claims using the lognormal distribution from step 4. Using the Monte Carlo simulation, 1 million simulation runs are calculated, in which a potential future number of claims and the associated claim amounts are determined for each simulation run.
Step 6: Summing up the claim amounts resulting from the Monte Carlo simulation.
Step 7: Calculating the expected loss by calculating the mean of the summed results of the claim amount from step 6.
Step 8: Calculating the unexpected loss by calculating the standard deviation of the summed results of the claim amount from step 6.
Step 9: Determining the value at risk at the 99.9% confidence level.
Sample data is just as below. 3 columns: No. of Claims (Col A); Recorded Claim (Col. B)
VBA Code:
VBA Code:
Sub CalculateOperationalRisk()
' Initialize parameters and define variables
Dim wsClaims As Worksheet, wsResults As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim sumClaims As Double, meanClaims As Double
Dim sumLoss As Double, meanLoss As Double, stdDevLoss As Double
Dim numSimulations As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim claimsPerRun As Integer, totalLossAmount As Double
Dim lossAmount As Double, sumSimulationResults As Double, sumSimulationSquares As Double
Dim expectedLoss As Double, unexpectedLoss As Double, var99_9 As Double
Dim simulationResults() As Double
Dim muLog As Double, sigmaLog As Double
' Set up worksheets and initial parameters
Set wsClaims = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ClaimsData") ' Claims data worksheet
Set wsResults = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Results") ' Results worksheet
numSimulations = 1000000 ' Number of Monte Carlo simulations
ReDim simulationResults(1 To numSimulations) ' Array to store results of simulations
' Disable screen updating to improve performance
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual ' Turn off automatic calculations
' Step 1: Calculate Mean Number of Claims (?)
lastRow = wsClaims.Cells(wsClaims.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
meanClaims = lastRow - 1 ' ? - average number of damage events (incident count)
' Step 2: Calculate Mean (µ) and Standard Deviation (s) of Loss Amounts (using Gross Loss)
Dim grossLosses() As Variant
grossLosses = wsClaims.Range("B2:B" & lastRow).Value ' Load gross loss data into an array for faster access
' Calculate mean gross loss
For i = 1 To UBound(grossLosses, 1)
sumLoss = sumLoss + grossLosses(i, 1)
Next i
meanLoss = sumLoss / (lastRow - 1) ' µ - average gross loss amount
' Calculate standard deviation (s) for loss amounts
For i = 1 To UBound(grossLosses, 1)
sumSimulationSquares = sumSimulationSquares + (grossLosses(i, 1) - meanLoss) ^ 2
Next i
stdDevLoss = Sqr(sumSimulationSquares / (lastRow - 2))
' Convert mean and stdDev to lognormal parameters muLog and sigmaLog
muLog = Log((meanLoss ^ 2) / Sqr(stdDevLoss ^ 2 + meanLoss ^ 2))
sigmaLog = Sqr(Log(1 + (stdDevLoss ^ 2 / meanLoss ^ 2)))
' Step 3-4: Monte Carlo Simulation with 1 Million Runs (store results in array)
For i = 1 To numSimulations
claimsPerRun = SimulatePoisson(meanClaims) ' Calculate number of claims for each run
totalLossAmount = 0
' Sum loss amounts for this simulation run using log-normal distribution
For j = 1 To claimsPerRun
lossAmount = SimulateLognormal(muLog, sigmaLog)
totalLossAmount = totalLossAmount + lossAmount
Next j
' Store the result in the simulationResults array
simulationResults(i) = totalLossAmount
sumSimulationResults = sumSimulationResults + totalLossAmount
Next i
' Calculate Expected Loss (EL)
expectedLoss = sumSimulationResults / numSimulations
' Calculate Unexpected Loss (UL) - Standard Deviation of Simulation Results
sumSimulationSquares = 0
For i = 1 To numSimulations
sumSimulationSquares = sumSimulationSquares + (simulationResults(i) - expectedLoss) ^ 2
Next i
unexpectedLoss = Sqr(sumSimulationSquares / (numSimulations - 1))
' Calculate Value at Risk (VaR) at 99.9% confidence level
' Sort the array in memory to get the 99.9th percentile
QuickSort simulationResults, LBound(simulationResults), UBound(simulationResults)
var99_9 = simulationResults(Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(0.999 * numSimulations, 0))
' Output results to the Results sheet
wsResults.Range("C2").Value = "Expected Loss (EL)"
wsResults.Range("D2").Value = expectedLoss
wsResults.Range("C3").Value = "Unexpected Loss (UL)"
wsResults.Range("D3").Value = unexpectedLoss
wsResults.Range("C4").Value = "Value at Risk (VaR) at 99.9%"
wsResults.Range("D4").Value = var99_9
' Re-enable screen updating and automatic calculations
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
' Display completion message
MsgBox "Operational Risk Calculation done!", vbInformation
End Sub
' Function to simulate number of claims using Poisson distribution
Function SimulatePoisson(lambda As Double) As Integer
Dim r As Double, L As Double, k As Integer
L = Exp(-lambda)
k = 0
r = 1
k = k + 1
r = r * Rnd()
Loop While r > L
SimulatePoisson = k - 1
End Function
' Function to simulate loss amount using lognormal distribution
Function SimulateLognormal(muLog As Double, sigmaLog As Double) As Double
Dim u1 As Double, u2 As Double
Dim z0 As Double
' Generate two uniform random numbers in the range (0,1)
u1 = Rnd()
u2 = Rnd()
' Check if u1 is zero to avoid logarithm error
If u1 = 0 Then
u1 = 0.0001 ' Set a small positive number instead
End If
' Box-Muller transform to get normally distributed value
z0 = Sqr(-2 * Log(u1)) * Cos(2 * Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi() * u2)
' Transform to lognormal distribution
SimulateLognormal = Exp(muLog + sigmaLog * z0)
End Function
' QuickSort function to sort the simulation results array for VaR calculation
Sub QuickSort(arr As Variant, ByVal first As Long, ByVal last As Long)
Dim low As Long, high As Long
Dim midValue As Double, temp As Double
low = first
high = last
midValue = arr((first + last) \ 2)
Do While low <= high
Do While arr(low) < midValue
low = low + 1
Do While arr(high) > midValue
high = high - 1
If low <= high Then
temp = arr(low)
arr(low) = arr(high)
arr(high) = temp
low = low + 1
high = high - 1
End If
If first < high Then QuickSort arr, first, high
If low < last Then QuickSort arr, low, last
End Sub
Will provide the respective formulas if needed. Thank you in advance for helping out.
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