I have 144 excel files in one folder, their name ranged from 001, 002, 003, .....156 (File names correspond to subject ID, some of the subjects are missing)
I want to get partial data from each file and then paste into a new file to generate a table with three col. like below
FileName (Name of file) SubjectName (Subject name preset in sheet:subject info) TST (Sum of N col of every excel File:sheet:data)
I have already develop a macro which can open & read certain info from single individual excel file and then paste in the single excel file. I need to put in the loop, so it can work with all 144 files as once.
Sub CopyCells()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="D:\Hunza\Data\Munir\Researches\Armband 2010\data\001.xls" 'increment required in file name
Range("D2").Select 'increment required in D2
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM([001.xls]Data!C14)"
Windows("001.xls").Activate 'increment required in file name
Sheets("Subject Info").Select
'*** Select the destination cell
Range("C2").Select 'increment required in C2
Workbooks("001.xls").Close 'increment required in file name
End Sub
I want to get partial data from each file and then paste into a new file to generate a table with three col. like below
FileName (Name of file) SubjectName (Subject name preset in sheet:subject info) TST (Sum of N col of every excel File:sheet:data)
I have already develop a macro which can open & read certain info from single individual excel file and then paste in the single excel file. I need to put in the loop, so it can work with all 144 files as once.
Sub CopyCells()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="D:\Hunza\Data\Munir\Researches\Armband 2010\data\001.xls" 'increment required in file name
Range("D2").Select 'increment required in D2
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM([001.xls]Data!C14)"
Windows("001.xls").Activate 'increment required in file name
Sheets("Subject Info").Select
'*** Select the destination cell
Range("C2").Select 'increment required in C2
Workbooks("001.xls").Close 'increment required in file name
End Sub