Global serverID As String
Global thePath As String
Global fileArray() As String
Sub findFiles()
Dim arraySize As Double
Dim fileNamePattern As String
Let arraySize = 0 'resets
Let serverID = "" 'the "drive" you're on goes here
Let thePath = "" 'the folder path you're on goes here
Let fileNamePattern = Dir(serverID & thePath & "*")
Do While Len(fileNamePattern) > 0
Let arraySize = arraySize + 1 'grows the array for each file
ReDim Preserve fileArray(arraySize) 're size the array dynamically
Let fileArray(arraySize) = fileNamePattern 'loads the filename into the array
fileNamePattern = Dir
Loop 'check the next file in the folder
If arraySize = 0 Then 'just a quick check to prevent you trying to open files which don't exist
MsgBox "No Files Found matching those criteria"
Exit Sub
Call getData
End If
End Sub
Sub getData()
Dim fileLoop As Double
Dim dataFile As String 'name of the file you're opening
Dim NewFileName As String 'the newly generated report
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Let NewFileName = "NEW FILE " & Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy") & Format(Now, "hhmmss") 'amend this to whatever name you want
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs serverID & thePath & NewFileName 'just saves the new workbook
For fileLoop = 1 To UBound(fileArray)
Let dataFile = fileArray(fileLoop)
Workbooks.Open serverID & thePath & dataFile
Workbooks(NewFileName).Worksheets(1).Cells(fileLoop, 1).PasteSpecial 'tweak this as needed - I've gone with a new line in Col A for each file
Stop 'the next bit will save and close the new file...not sure if you want to
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub