OneDrive offers to backup files to the cloud, but it does something I thought was way too heavy handed, it moves the path for all the items in "My Documents" to \OneDrive\"Documents\"
while still leaving the (now empty) My Documents folder behind. Of course the path is obscured in File Explorer.
I feel like I've spent a lot of time trying to get users to use the "My Documents" folder and that I could depend on as a starting point to point to copies of a file on a user's drive, but the conventions and environment variables, the language for drive locations seems like it's not really helpful as a convention. This seems like a problem I have had to work with before often with VBA scripts, that's why I had to figure out what an environment variable was, and also why My Documents was not super reliable (if you have mac users in the same workgroup ... ugh.)
Sometimes we work with video, which can generate huge files, that we really don't want to be backed up, the starter size for onedrive without office is 5GB. Some of those programs also don't use a very good system of conventions for repositories of large files that we may want to keep locally, not backed up in higher speed / higher frequency / lower capacity backups.
Basically I created a folder under my userprofile just called LOCAL because I wanted a unique name, reusing "My Documents" would drive me crazy, but are other people having a similar problem, what would they name that folder?
I'm interested in hearing about other people's system of conventions for the userprofile folder. Maybe there's a good article somewhere about this issue, or is this just a gripe?
while still leaving the (now empty) My Documents folder behind. Of course the path is obscured in File Explorer.
I feel like I've spent a lot of time trying to get users to use the "My Documents" folder and that I could depend on as a starting point to point to copies of a file on a user's drive, but the conventions and environment variables, the language for drive locations seems like it's not really helpful as a convention. This seems like a problem I have had to work with before often with VBA scripts, that's why I had to figure out what an environment variable was, and also why My Documents was not super reliable (if you have mac users in the same workgroup ... ugh.)
Sometimes we work with video, which can generate huge files, that we really don't want to be backed up, the starter size for onedrive without office is 5GB. Some of those programs also don't use a very good system of conventions for repositories of large files that we may want to keep locally, not backed up in higher speed / higher frequency / lower capacity backups.
Basically I created a folder under my userprofile just called LOCAL because I wanted a unique name, reusing "My Documents" would drive me crazy, but are other people having a similar problem, what would they name that folder?
I'm interested in hearing about other people's system of conventions for the userprofile folder. Maybe there's a good article somewhere about this issue, or is this just a gripe?