Ok. i have looked at a few "error handling" websites. I would be shocked if this was difficult, but I cannot see it anywhere.
Before I begin, i want to send a warning to the newcomers.."on error resume next"...could clear the contents of your screen, and it could take you 11 seconds to know exactly why. It actually means the "Next Line," and upon 38 seconds of reflection, it is about all that it could mean.
If the '2' is in that column, then it deletes that row, and the rows below it.
On not finding a "2"...
i am trying to find a way for the "resume" to "not process the next 3 lines" - like - "go down to the next break/free line/empty line etc, and then start from there."
It is probably not via "resume." But i just want it perform a "hurdle" over the remaining contents of the paragraph, and continue/resume with "Sheets("RISA").Select"
I have a very strong internal dialogue, and it is pleading with me to stop typing. I don't think its helping.
If this pathway i have presented seems like trying to climb through a small window on the 3rd floor, just give me a quick hint on the location of the front door.
Much Obliged.
Before I begin, i want to send a warning to the newcomers.."on error resume next"...could clear the contents of your screen, and it could take you 11 seconds to know exactly why. It actually means the "Next Line," and upon 38 seconds of reflection, it is about all that it could mean.
If the '2' is in that column, then it deletes that row, and the rows below it.
On not finding a "2"...
i am trying to find a way for the "resume" to "not process the next 3 lines" - like - "go down to the next break/free line/empty line etc, and then start from there."
It is probably not via "resume." But i just want it perform a "hurdle" over the remaining contents of the paragraph, and continue/resume with "Sheets("RISA").Select"
I have a very strong internal dialogue, and it is pleading with me to stop typing. I don't think its helping.
If this pathway i have presented seems like trying to climb through a small window on the 3rd floor, just give me a quick hint on the location of the front door.
Much Obliged.
VBA Code:
Selection.Find(What:="2", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp