I've been using this macro for a long time,
what it does:
-creates new folder
-saves sheets as new files
-saves workbook as new filename with time and date stamp
-chops off the file extensions
-saves copy of workbook into newly created folder
-adds date/time stamp to folder name
You'll notice that I'm taking some extra steps in there, that's because this is one of my first macros and I found work-arounds for things I (still) don't understand. Regardless, it worked fine until recently, and 2013 upgrade is the only obvious change. Now it only works when I step through with F8. If I run the macro it hangs up at the line following 'UNWANTED COPY CREATED. I've tried pausing for several seconds but no help.
I need to figure out why it won't run, But I'd be glad to hear ideas to help improve the code overall
As always, any help is greatly appreciated
what it does:
-creates new folder
-saves sheets as new files
-saves workbook as new filename with time and date stamp
-chops off the file extensions
-saves copy of workbook into newly created folder
-adds date/time stamp to folder name
You'll notice that I'm taking some extra steps in there, that's because this is one of my first macros and I found work-arounds for things I (still) don't understand. Regardless, it worked fine until recently, and 2013 upgrade is the only obvious change. Now it only works when I step through with F8. If I run the macro it hangs up at the line following 'UNWANTED COPY CREATED. I've tried pausing for several seconds but no help.
I need to figure out why it won't run, But I'd be glad to hear ideas to help improve the code overall
As always, any help is greatly appreciated
Sub OPsave()
Dim path As String
path = Application.ActiveWorkbook.path
Dim time As String
time = Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ssam/pm")
MkDir path & "\5PA COMPS"
Sheet4.SaveAs path & "\5PA COMPS\O0120.NC", xlTextWindows
Sheet6.SaveAs path & "\5PA COMPS\O0220.NC", xlTextWindows
Sheet7.SaveAs path & "\5PA COMPS\O0320.NC", xlTextWindows
Sheet9.SaveAs path & "\5PA COMPS\O0420.NC", xlTextWindows
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs path & "\5PA OP DATA BKUP " & time & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=52
Dim old1 As String
Dim newname1 As String
old1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0120.NC"
newname1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0120"
Name old1 As newname1
old1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0220.NC"
newname1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0220"
Name old1 As newname1
old1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0320.NC"
newname1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0320"
Name old1 As newname1
old1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0420.NC"
newname1 = path & "\5PA COMPS\O0420"
Name old1 As newname1
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=path & "\5PA COMPS\5PA OP DATA BKUP " & time & ".xlsm"
old1 = path & "\5PA COMPS"
newname1 = path & "\5PA COMPS " & time
Name old1 As newname1
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
Dim xFullName As String
xFullName = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
Application.ActiveWorkbook.ChangeFileAccess xlReadOnly
Kill xFullName
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub