Office 365


New Member
Oct 22, 2017
I have a data base of 264,000 in Office 365 there is an option to input a form ie customize the ribbon commands not in the ribbon FORM .This works perfectly for what I want i can delete search etc .My question is would this work say if i had it on a memory stick would it work on another computer which has not got office 365 .There is an icon on quick access which opens up the form and there is a close on the form . The data base is in table form is there a VBA code or a button to add ??
2/1/1859HULLOCKJohnPRESCOTMary AnnSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/19
2/1/1859PRESCOTMary AnnHULLOCKJohnSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/19
19/1/1859GREENMargaretMARSHJohnSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/27
19/1/1859MARSHJohnGREENMargaretSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/27
30/1/1859PRYORAnnTYRERMatthewSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/36
30/1/1859TYRERMatthewPRYORAnnSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/36
5/2/1859HOGANMichaelBERRINGTONMarySt Benedict HindleyROW/12/40
5/2/1859BERRINGTONMaryHOGANMichaelSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/40
12/3/1859GIBBONSEmanuelBALLARDAnnSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/44
12/3/1859BALLARDAnnGIBBONSEmanuelSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/44
27/3/1859KENYONPeterUNSWORTHMargaretSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/66
27/3/1859UNSWORTHMargaretKENYONPeterSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/66
4/4/1859O'HARACatherineO'HARAJohnSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/92
4/4/1859O'HARAJohnO'HARACatherineSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/92
29/5/1859NOONMartinCULRARYJaneSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/93
29/5/1859CULRARYJaneNOONMartinSt Benedict HindleyROW/12/93
11/8/1874MOFFATCatherineROURKEMichaelSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/38/67
11/8/1874ROURKEMichaelMOFFATCatherineSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/38/67
1/11/1874BERRYJamesMELLINGCatherineSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/68/56
1/11/1874MELLINGCatherineBERRYJamesSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/68/56
1/11/1874GREENHelenORRELLJamesSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/38/132
1/11/1874ORRELLJamesGREENHelenSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/38/132
15/11/1874CAHILLJohnHOLLEYElizabeth MarySt Cuthbert PembertonROW/38/140
15/11/1874HOLLEYElizabeth MaryCAHILLJohnSt Cuthbert PembertonROW/38/140
12/1/1861TURNERBenedictARMSTRONGMargaretOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/7
12/1/1861ARMSTRONGMargaretTURNERBenedictOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/7
10/2/1861JOLLEYWilliamGERARDCatherineOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/33
10/2/1861GERARDCatherineJOLLEYWilliamOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/33
14/7/1861WILSONJamesMOOREMargaretOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/107
14/7/1861MOOREMargaretWILSONJamesOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/107
12/8/1861JOLLYThomasSTOCKCatherine MargaretOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/129
12/8/1861STOCKCatherine MargaretJOLLYThomasOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/129
12/8/1861IDDONWilliamMOOREMaryOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/130
12/8/1861MOOREMaryIDDONWilliamOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/130
24/11/1861ARMSTRONGEdwardTURNERMaryOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/197
24/11/1861TURNERMaryARMSTRONGEdwardOur Lady of Assumption AspullROW/15/197
3/2/1883BOARDMANGeorgeWILSONElizabethSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/44
3/2/1883WILSONElizabethBOARDMANGeorgeSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/44
6/2/1883WALSHJohnSUMNERAnnSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/45
6/2/1883SUMNERAnnWALSHJohnSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/45
13/5/1883DERBYSHIREThomasMIDDLEHURSTElizabethSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/48
13/5/1883MIDDLEHURSTElizabethDERBYSHIREThomasSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/48
2/6/1883LITTLERWilliamROUGHLEYMarthaSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/50
2/6/1883ROUGHLEYMarthaLITTLERWilliamSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/50
2/8/1883RIGBYGeorgeSUMNERMarySt Mary BirchleyROW/73/51
2/8/1883SUMNERMaryRIGBYGeorgeSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/51
13/8/1883HANKINSONJohnCONROYMarySt Mary BirchleyROW/73/52
13/8/1883CONROYMaryHANKINSONJohnSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/52
22/9/1883BURROWSGeorgeBERRYElizabethSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/55
22/9/1883BERRYElizabethBURROWSGeorgeSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/55
11/10/1883GAFFNEYJohnSUMNERMargaretSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/56
11/10/1883SUMNERMargaretGAFFNEYJohnSt Mary BirchleyROW/73/56
29/10/1872GRADYMichaelWILDINGMargaretSt Maries StandishROW/33/194
29/10/1872WILDINGMargaretGRADYMichaelSt Maries StandishROW/33/194
12/7/1873HALSALLJosephBARTONMargaretSt Maries StandishROW/34/170
12/7/1873BARTONMargaretHALSALLJosephSt Maries StandishROW/34/170
29/9/1873GREENWilliamLYTHGOAnnSt Maries StandishROW/36/23
29/9/1873LYTHGOAnnGREENWilliamSt Maries StandishROW/36/23
14/10/1873BALDWINJohnGUDGEONCatharineSt Maries StandishROW/36/38
14/10/1873GUDGEONCatharineBALDWINJohnSt Maries StandishROW/36/38
15/11/1856GARTLINHughYATESMargaretSt James OrrellROW/9/144
15/11/1856YATESMargaretGARTLINHughSt James OrrellROW/9/144
16/11/1856HODGKINSONJamesWOODSElizabethSt James OrrellROW/9/145
16/11/1856WOODSElizabethHODGKINSONJamesSt James OrrellROW/9/145
28/11/1856RIGBYJamesDUCKWORTHElizabethSt James OrrellROW/9/151
28/11/1856DUCKWORTHElizabethRIGBYJamesSt James OrrellROW/9/151
25/11/1856CONROYJamesCAINMarySt James OrrellROW/9/152
25/11/1856CAINMaryCONROYJamesSt James OrrellROW/9/152
3/12/1856O'DONALLPatrickMcNAMARAHONRoseSt James OrrellROW/9/159
3/12/1856McNAMARAHONRoseO'DONALLPatrickSt James OrrellROW/9/159
6/1/1857GREENThomasHIGSONElizabethSt James OrrellROW/9/168
6/1/1857HIGSONElizabethGREENThomasSt James OrrellROW/9/168
12/9/1872DERBYSHIREElizabethDAWBERJamesSt Joseph WiganROW/34/30
12/9/1872DAWBERJamesDERBYSHIREElizabethSt Joseph WiganROW/34/30
12/9/1872HARTEstherJOLLEYWilliamSt Joseph WiganROW/33/159
12/9/1872JOLLEYWilliamHARTEstherSt Joseph WiganROW/33/159
14/9/1872HENDRYMaryFINNJohnSt Joseph WiganROW/33/160
14/9/1872FINNJohnHENDRYMarySt Joseph WiganROW/33/160
29/9/1872DICKINSONThomasBULLINJaneSt Joseph WiganROW/33/166
29/9/1872BULLINJaneDICKINSONThomasSt Joseph WiganROW/33/166
7/10/1872CASHAnnJACKSONRichardSt Joseph WiganROW/33/175
7/10/1872JACKSONRichardCASHAnnSt Joseph WiganROW/33/175
2/11/1872BYROMMargaretHOLLISJohnSt Joseph WiganROW/33/195
2/11/1872HOLLISJohnBYROMMargaretSt Joseph WiganROW/33/195
5/11/1872DOYLEJoannaWOODRogerSt Joseph WiganROW/34/4
5/11/1872WOODRogerDOYLEJoannaSt Joseph WiganROW/34/4
7/12/1872CATONJaneROACHMichaelSt Joseph WiganROW/34/28
7/12/1872ROACHMichaelCATONJaneSt Joseph WiganROW/34/28
12/12/1872EVANSAliceRILEYWilliamSt Joseph WiganROW/34/33
6/11/1837KERVENJohnFINNAnnSt John WiganROW/1/13
6/11/1837FINNAnnKERVENJohnSt John, WiganROW/1/13
6/11/1837JAMESONJohnFINNJuliaSt John WiganROW/1/14
28/9/1837DWYERMargaretMURPHYThomasSt John WiganROW/1/14
6/11/1837FINNJuliaJAMESONJohnSt John, WiganROW/1/14
28/9/1837MURPHYThomasDWYERMargaretSt John, WiganROW/1/14
7/11/1837MURPHYThomasDWYERMargaretSt John WiganROW/1/15
7/11/1837DWYERMargaretMURPHYThomasSt John, WiganROW/1/15
20/11/1837CONWAYJohnRILEYMargaretSt John WiganROW/1/16
20/11/1837RILEYMargaretCONWAYJohnSt John, WiganROW/1/16
21/11/1837FLEMMINGPatrickMURPHYMargaretSt John WiganROW/1/17
21/11/1837MURPHYMargaretFLEMMINGPatrickSt John, WiganROW/1/17
4/12/1837ARKWRIGHTMargaretTURTONJohnSt John WiganROW/1/21
4/12/1837TURTONJohnARKWRIGHTMargaretSt John, WiganROW/1/21
4/12/1837COGHLANMargaretHEALEYBernardSt John WiganROW/1/22
4/12/1837HEALEYBernardCOGHLANMargaretSt John, WiganROW/1/22
3/1/1838BOARDMANThomasMARKLANDAliceSt John WiganROW/1/23
3/1/1838MARKLANDAliceBOARDMANThomasSt John, WiganROW/1/23
3/8/1849HACKYJaneSMITHJohnSt Mary RCROW/4/103
3/8/1849SMITHJohnHACKYJaneSt Mary RCROW/4/103
26/8/1849GARVEYMichaelMANIONElizaSt Mary RCROW/5/65
26/8/1849MANIONElizaGARVEYMichaelSt Mary RCROW/5/65
4/9/1849CAHILLWilliamTEARNEYAnnSt Mary RCROW/5/66
4/9/1849TEARNEYAnnCAHILLWilliamSt Mary RCROW/5/66
13/10/1849MALADYJohnLOFTUSMarySt Mary RCROW/5/69
13/10/1849LOFTUSMaryMALADYJohnSt Mary RCROW/5/69
Does "another computer which has not got office 365" mean the computer does not have Excel at all?
If it does not have Excel, it will not work.
Upvote 0
Looks like I will have to do a form manually as the quick access form icon opens the form .
Upvote 0
The built form is available on all versions of Excel (I think), so no need to create your own userform.
You just need to customise the ribbon/QAT to show the Form icon.
Upvote 0
I have customized the ribbon but it will only work on a computer that has excel the computers that i want to share the data do not have excel. I was thinking along the lines if i could embed the search form into the workbook, its a pity as the form is a fantastic search facility as well as input.
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If they don't have Excel, how are they going to open the workbook?
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Now there's a question in the past ive had data on a memory stick in excel and its opened up. The computers in question are in a public research library and you don't have access to the tools menu seeing as you need the form icon to open up the form. Suppose i could take my lap top in but we are locked down at the minute.
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If they open your workbook, then they have Excel (or some similar software that can read Xl files)
However if they have disabled ribbon customisation, then you would need to create your own userform, but that assumes they have not prevented macros from being run.
Upvote 0
Should imagine I should be able to customize the ribbon if it is compatible .I know they will not let you use the council computers I offered to copy my data from a memory stick but I had to send by e mail so they could do a virus check.
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