Object used for array, problem initializing


New Member
Dec 7, 2016
Fellow sufferers

I am using an Object and the .Add function to store a two dimensional aray basically. The principle is illustrated in codebit 1 below which is working.

Now, I wish t do the
Set .... = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
part separately, then later on in the code Ill do the actual value assignment. But that fails. My code is in codebit 2 below. It is the part
review_status = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
which fails, error message 91 Object variable or With block variable not set.

How to make this Work?

Codebit 1:

Sub Test()
Dim restaurant_serves_dish As Object
Set restaurant_serves_dish = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' add countries
restaurant_serves_dish.Add "Ming Dynasty", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
restaurant_serves_dish.Add "Pepes Pizzaria", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
restaurant_serves_dish.Add "Uncle Sam Burgers", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' add cities and number of inhabitants
restaurant_serves_dish("Ming Dynasty").Add "Pizza", 9
restaurant_serves_dish("France").Add "Paris", 200
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Roma", 300
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Milano", 400
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Firenze", 500
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Venezia", 600
' Show values
MsgBox _
    restaurant_serves_dish("Italy")("Venezia") & vbNewLine & _
    restaurant_serves_dish("France")("Paris") & vbNewLine & _
End Sub

Codebit 2 (my actual code):

Option Explicit
Dim reviewer_key(1 To 1000) As String
Dim reviewer_displayname(1 To 1000) As String
Public review_status As Object
Public Function reviewers(groupname As String)
httprequest = "[URL]https://csc-ejendom.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/group/[/URL]" & groupname & "/member"
Call RESTconnect
End Function
Private Function testitorrso()
Dim rev_group As String
Dim REVobjJSON, REVfirstJSON, REVresults, reviewer As Object
Dim reviewer_no As Integer
rev_group = Range("b1").Value()
windows_userinfo 'hent info fra LDAP om den bruger som er logget ind
Call reviewers(rev_group)
Set REVobjJSON = TestJSONParsingWithVBACallByName()
Set REVfirstJSON = GetObjectProperty(REVobjJSON, "results")
Dim length As Integer
length = GetProperty(REVfirstJSON, "length")
For reviewer_no = 1 To length
   Set reviewer = GetAtIndex(REVfirstJSON, reviewer_no - 1)
   Call register_reviewer(GetProperty(reviewer, "username"), GetProperty(reviewer, "displayName"))
Next reviewer_no
End Function
Public Function register_reviewer(ByVal rev_key As String, ByVal rev_disp_name As String)
Dim pointer As Integer
pointer = 1
While reviewer_key(pointer) <> ""
    pointer = pointer + 1
reviewer_key(pointer) = rev_key
reviewer_displayname(pointer) = rev_disp_name
End Function
Public Function get_reviewer_displayname(keykey As String) As String
Dim pointer As Integer
pointer = 1
While reviewer_key(pointer) <> "" And reviewer_key(pointer) <> keykey
    pointer = pointer + 1
get_reviewer_displayname = reviewer_displayname(pointer)
End Function
Private Sub testing()
Call register_reviewer("Jan Magnussen", "jmus")
Call register_reviewer("Peter Jensen", "pjes")
Call register_reviewer("Ole Olsen", "oo")
Call register_reviewer("Fillo Fjedskuld", "ffsk")
MsgBox (get_reviewer_displayname("Jan Magnussenø"))
MsgBox (get_reviewer_displayname("Ole Olseno"))
MsgBox (get_reviewer_displayname("Fillo Fjedskuld"))
MsgBox (get_reviewer_displayname("Jan Magnussen"))
End Sub
Private Sub testarossa()
Dim nn, keykey, plussign, urliurli, reviewer  As String
Dim reviewer_of As Object
Dim Element As Variant
Set reviewer_of = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    nn = Range("G5").Value
keykey = deduct_key_from(nn)
Sheet_ ("Review (F1+F2)")
Row_() = 6
While Value_("Page URL") <> ""
    reviewer_of.Add Value_("Page URL"), CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For Each Element In reviewer_key
        plussign = Value_(CStr(Element))
        If plussign = "+" Then
        urliurli = Value_("Page URL")
        reviewer = CStr(Element)
        reviewer_of(urliurli).Add reviewer, "REV"
    End If
    Next Element
    Row_() = Row_() + 1
MsgBox (reviewer_of("[URL]https://csc-ejendom.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=88313417")("pbhansen[/URL]"))
MsgBox (reviewer_of("[URL]https://csc-ejendom.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewinfo.action?pageId=88646397")("nomennescio[/URL]"))
End Sub
Public Function populate_reviewers()
Dim rev_group As String
Dim REVobjJSON, REVfirstJSON, REVresults, reviewer As Object
Dim reviewer_no As Integer
rev_group = Range("b1").Value()
windows_userinfo 'hent info fra LDAP om den bruger som er logget ind
Call reviewers(rev_group)
Set REVobjJSON = TestJSONParsingWithVBACallByName()
Set REVfirstJSON = GetObjectProperty(REVobjJSON, "results")
Dim length As Integer
length = GetProperty(REVfirstJSON, "length")
For reviewer_no = 1 To length
   Set reviewer = GetAtIndex(REVfirstJSON, reviewer_no - 1)
   Call register_reviewer(GetProperty(reviewer, "username"), GetProperty(reviewer, "displayName"))
Next reviewer_no
End Function
Public Function lineup_reviewers()
Dim pointer, reviewer_no As Integer
pointer = 1
While reviewer_key(pointer) <> ""
Call insert_reviewer(pointer)
    pointer = pointer + 1
End Function
Private Function insert_reviewer(ByVal nono As Integer)
Dim offset As Integer
offset = (nono - 1) * 13
Sheet_ ("Review (F1+F2)")
Value_(9, 2, offset) = reviewer_displayname(nono) & "                    " & reviewer_key(nono)
End Function
Private Function deduct_key_from(ByVal tenspacesep As String) As String
Dim pos_separator As Integer
pos_separator = Len(tenspacesep) - InStr(tenspacesep, "          ") - 19
deduct_key_from = Right(tenspacesep, pos_separator)
End Function
Sub testarooosa()
MsgBox (deduct_key_from("Britta Schall Holberg                    nomennescio"))
End Sub
Sub Test()
Dim restaurant_serves_dish As Object
Set restaurant_serves_dish = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' add countries
restaurant_serves_dish.Add "Ming Dynasty", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
restaurant_serves_dish.Add "Pepes Pizzaria", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
restaurant_serves_dish.Add "Uncle Sam Burgers", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' add cities and number of inhabitants
restaurant_serves_dish("Ming Dynasty").Add "Pizza", 9
restaurant_serves_dish("France").Add "Paris", 200
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Roma", 300
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Milano", 400
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Firenze", 500
restaurant_serves_dish("Italy").Add "Venezia", 600
' Show values
MsgBox _
    restaurant_serves_dish("Italy")("Venezia") & vbNewLine & _
    restaurant_serves_dish("France")("Paris") & vbNewLine & _
End Sub
Private Sub testarossa_()
Dim nn, keykey, plussign, urliurli, reviewer  As String
Dim review_status, review_kommentar As Object
Dim Element As Variant
Set review_status = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set review_kommentar = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

review_status.Add "Teststrategi", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
review_kommentar.Add "Teststrategi", CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        review_status("Teststrategi").Add "Ole Olsen", "Rejected"
        review_kommentar("Teststrategi").Add "Ole Olsen", "It does not work!"
MsgBox (review_status("Teststrategi")("Ole Olsen") & " : " & review_kommentar("Teststrategi")("Ole Olsen"))
'MsgBox (review_status("Teststrategi")("Bente Lindgren")
End Sub
Public Function update_review_status(urliz As String, reviewerz As String, statuz As String)
review_status(urliz).Add reviewerz, reg, statuz
End Function
Public Function load_reviewmatrix()
Dim URL_no, sheet_line, reviewer_no As Integer
Dim urli, reviewer As String
Dim sheet_column As Integer
Dim review As Object
Dim offset As Integer
Set review = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Sheet_ ("Review (F1+F2)")
For URL_no = 1 To 20
    Row_() = 3 + 4 * (URL_no - 1)
    urli = Value_("Page URL")
    If urli <> "" Then
        review.Add urli, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For reviewer_no = 1 To 17
            offset = (reviewer_no - 1) * 13
            reviewer = Cells(2, 9 + offset).Value()
            If reviewer <> "" Then
                reviewer = deduct_key_from(reviewer)
                If reviewer <> "" Then
                    'Call review_matrix(urli, reviewer, )
                    If Value_(9 + offset) & Value_(10 + offset) & Value_(11 + offset) <> "" Then
                        review(urli).Add reviewer, "Assigned"
                        review(urli).Add reviewer, "UNassigned"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next reviewer_no
    End If
Next URL_no
MsgBox (review("[URL]https://csc-ejendom.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YR/pages/86510090/Testdrejebog+-+Delleverance+Pr+ve+1")("pbhansen[/URL]"))
End Function
Public Function init_review_status()
review_status = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Function
Public Sub register_page_for_review(pageurli As String)
review_status.Add pageurli, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Public Function clear_review_matrix()
Sheet_ ("Review (F1+F2)")
For revno = 1 To 17
    reviewer_displayname(revno) = ""
    Call insert_reviewer(revno)
Next revno

End Function
Public Function markup_updated_review_status()
Private statustext As String
Sheet_ ("Review (F1+F2)")
For URL_no = 1 To 20
    Row_() = 3 + 4 * (URL_no - 1)
    urli = Value_("Page URL")
    If urli <> "" Then
            For reviewer_no = 1 To 17
                offset = (reviewer_no - 1) * 13
                reviewer = Cells(2, 9 + offset).Value()
                If reviewer <> "" Then
                    statustext = "Unassigned"
                    Call get_status_of_review(urli, reviewer, statustext)
                    Call mark_status(statustext, Row_(), 9 + offset)
                End If
            Next reviewer_no
    End If
Next URL_no
End Function
Private Function get_status_of_review(urliø As String, reviewerø As String, ByVal statustextø As String)
'Is the review scheduled at all?
statustextø = "Unassigned"
If review(urliø)(reviewerø) = "Assigned" Then
'If the review is scheduled, is there a progress status available? AFVIST or GODKENDT
    If review_status(urliø)(reviewerø) <> "" Then
        statustextø = review_status(urliø)(reviewerø)
    End If
End If
End Function
Public Function mark_status(status_to_mark As String, rowski As Integer, colski As Integer)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Select Case status_to_mark
    Case "AFVIST"
        Cells(rowski, colski + 1) = "="
    Case "GODKENDT"
        Cells(rowski, colski + 2) = "ü"
End Select
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function

Private Function load_reviewmatrix_()
Dim URL_no, sheet_line, reviewer_no As Integer
Dim urli, reviewer As String
Dim sheet_column As Integer
Dim review As Object
Dim offset As Integer
Set review = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Sheet_ ("Review (F1+F2)")
For URL_no = 1 To 20
    Row_() = 3 + 4 * (URL_no - 1)
    urli = Value_("Page URL")
    If urli <> "" Then
        review.Add urli, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For reviewer_no = 1 To 17
            offset = (reviewer_no - 1) * 13
            reviewer = Cells(2, 9 + offset).Value()
            If reviewer <> "" Then
                reviewer = deduct_key_from(reviewer)
                If reviewer <> "" Then
                    'Call review_matrix(urli, reviewer, )
                    If Value_(9 + offset) & Value_(10 + offset) & Value_(11 + offset) <> "" Then
                        review(urli).Add reviewer, "Assigned"
                        review(urli).Add reviewer, "UNassigned"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next reviewer_no
    End If
Next URL_no
MsgBox (review("[URL]https://csc-ejendom.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/YR/pages/86510090/Testdrejebog+-+Delleverance+Pr+ve+1")("pbhansen[/URL]"))
End Function

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