Hi Guys,
I can't figure out what's wrong.
I want to insert only one value into one field but the number of fields is bigger (if it matters).
I reworked it from early binding to late binding.. maybe I am missing something or my query is super bad but it should not as similar one works on different db.
Generally it takes CleintFundName from the outside but I changed it to fixed value 'abcd'.
I can't figure out what's wrong.
I want to insert only one value into one field but the number of fields is bigger (if it matters).
I reworked it from early binding to late binding.. maybe I am missing something or my query is super bad but it should not as similar one works on different db.
Generally it takes CleintFundName from the outside but I changed it to fixed value 'abcd'.
Private Const AccessConStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\\networkdrive\myaccessdb.accdb;Persist Security Info=False; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=xxx;"
Sub ConnectToDB(ByVal ClientFundName, ByVal SQLStr)
Dim Date1 As Date
'MsgBox ClientFundName
Dim TESTDB As Object
Dim TESTDBCmd As Object
Set TESTDB = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set TESTDBCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
TESTDB.ConnectionString = AccessConStr
TESTDBCmd.ActiveConnection = TESTDB
'GetInsertTexto ClientFundName, SQLStr
'MsgBox SQLStr
TESTDBCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Tracker (Client_Fund_Name) VALUES ('abcd')"
Set TESTDB = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetInsertTexto(ByVal ClientFundName, ByRef SQLStr)
'MsgBox (Name1 & " " & Last_Name)
SQLStr = "INSERT INTO Tracker (Client_Fund_Name)" _
& "VALUES (" & "'" & ClientFundName & "'" & ")"
End Sub