The following code uploads information as "hh:mm" format to cells in a worksheet which also have the same custom format.
However, when these details are recalled to the User Form they appear in numeric format.
I am hoping that there might be a simple solution that will both send and return these details in the required format.
Thank You In Advance
However, when these details are recalled to the User Form they appear in numeric format.
I am hoping that there might be a simple solution that will both send and return these details in the required format.
VBA Code:
Dim CurrentRow As Long
Dim wsDailyHours As Worksheet
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set wsDailyHours = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Daily Hours Input")
Call cmdClearForm_Click
End Sub
Private Sub cmdInputRecords_Click()
Dim answer As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim AddRecord As Boolean
AddRecord = Val(Me.cmdInputRecords.Tag) = xlAdd
answer = MsgBox(IIf(AddRecord, "Add New", "Update Current") & " Record?", 36, "Information")
If answer = vbYes Then
'new record
If AddRecord Then CurrentRow = wsDailyHours.Range("A" & wsDailyHours.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
On Error GoTo myerror
With wsDailyHours
.Cells(CurrentRow, 1).Value = DTPicker1.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 2).Value = cboSchedulingType.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 3).Value = cboLocation.Value
'.Cells(CurrentRow, 5).Value = txtStartTime.Value
'.Cells(CurrentRow, 6).Value = txtFinishTime.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 5).Value = CDate(Format(txtStartTime.Text, "hh:mm"))
.Cells(CurrentRow, 6).Value = CDate(Format(txtFinishTime.Text, "hh:mm"))
.Cells(CurrentRow, 11).Value = cboPayRate.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 13).Value = CheckBoxPete.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 14).Value = CheckBoxKirsty.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 15).Value = CheckBoxJan.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 16).Value = CheckBoxKelly.Value
.Cells(CurrentRow, 17).Value = CheckBoxCarla.Value
End With
MsgBox "Record has been " & IIf(AddRecord, "added", "updated") & " to the database", 64, "Information"
End If
'With ActiveSheet
'Application.Goto Reference:=.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(-20), Scroll:=True
'End With
Call cmdClearForm_Click
If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox (Error(Err)), 48, "Error"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDateSearch_Click()
'Used to search for records for a specific date
Dim rng As Range
Dim Res As Variant, myFind As Variant
Set rng = wsDailyHours.Range("A:A")
myFind = Me.txtDateSearch.Value
If Not IsDate(myFind) Then Exit Sub
myFind = CDate(myFind)
Res = Application.Match(CLng(myFind), rng, 0)
If Not IsError(Res) Then
CurrentRow = CLng(Res)
With wsDailyHours
DTPicker1.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 1)
cboSchedulingType.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 2)
cboLocation.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 3)
txtStartTime.Text = .Cells(CurrentRow, 5)
txtFinishTime.Text = .Cells(CurrentRow, 6)
cboPayRate.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 11)
CheckBoxPete.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 13)
CheckBoxKirsty.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 14)
CheckBoxJan.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 15)
CheckBoxKelly.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 16)
CheckBoxCarla.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 17)
txtWorkDate.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 1).Value
txtDailyPayMonth.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 4).Value
txtDailyEarningsGross.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 12).Text
If .Cells(CurrentRow, 2).Value = "Work" Then
txtDailyWorkHours.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 10).Value
ElseIf .Cells(CurrentRow, 2).Value = "Leave" Then
txtDailyLeaveHours.Value = .Cells(CurrentRow, 10).Value
ElseIf .Cells(CurrentRow, 2).Value = "Non-Working Day" Then
txtDailyNonWorkingDay.Value = "Yes"
End If
End With
'update submit commandbutton status
With Me.cmdInputRecords
.Tag = xlUpdateState
.Caption = "Update"
.BackColor = rgbDarkGreen
End With
MsgBox "Date Not Found", vbInformation, "Date Not Found"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cboPayRate_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim payrate As Double
payrate = cboPayRate.Value
cboPayRate.Value = Format(cboPayRate.Value, "Currency")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClearForm_Click()
'Clears the User Form
DTPicker1.Value = Date
cboSchedulingType.Value = ""
cboLocation.Value = ""
txtStartTime.Value = "00:00"
txtStartTime.MaxLength = 5
txtFinishTime.Value = "00:00"
txtFinishTime.MaxLength = 5
cboPayRate.Value = ""
CheckBoxPete.Value = False
CheckBoxKirsty.Value = False
CheckBoxJan.Value = False
CheckBoxKelly.Value = False
CheckBoxCarla.Value = False
txtWorkDate.Value = ""
txtDailyPayMonth.Value = ""
txtDailyWorkHours.Value = ""
txtDailyLeaveHours.Value = ""
txtDailyNonWorkingDay.Value = ""
txtDailyEarningsGross.Value = ""
txtMonthlyWorkHours.Value = ""
txtDailyEarningsGross.Value = ""
txtMonthlyPayMonth.Value = ""
txtMonthlyWorkHours.Value = ""
txtMonthlyWorkEarningsGross.Value = ""
txtMonthlyLeaveHours.Value = ""
txtMonthlyLeaveEarningsGross.Value = ""
txtTotalMonthlyEarningsGross.Value = ""
txtDateSearch.Value = ""
cboPayMonthSearch.Value = ""
With Me.cmdInputRecords
.Tag = xlAdd
.Caption = "Add Record"
.BackColor = rgbBlue
End With
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCloseForm_Click()
'Closes the User Form
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub txtStartTime_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If IsDate(txtStartTime.Value) And Len(txtStartTime.Text) = 5 Then
MsgBox "Input Start Time as for example 09:15"
txtStartTime.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtEndTime_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If IsDate(txtEndTime.Value) And Len(txtEndTime.Text) = 5 Then
MsgBox "Input End Time as for example 09:15"
txtEndTime.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtDateSearch_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Cancel = InValidDate(Me.txtDateSearch)
End Sub
'common function
Function InValidDate(ByVal Box As Object) As Boolean
Const DateFormat As String = "dd/mm/yyyy"
With Box
If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
If IsDate(.Value) Then
'format textbox date
.Value = Format(CDate(.Value), DateFormat)
InValidDate = True
End If
End If
End With
If InValidDate Then MsgBox "Invalid Date Entry", 48, "Invalid Date"
End Function
Private Sub cmdPayMonthSearch_Click()
txtMonthlyPayMonth.Value = cboPayMonthSearch.Value
txtMonthlyWorkHours = Format(WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Columns("J"), Columns("B"), "Work", Columns("D"), cboPayMonthSearch.Value), "#,##0.00")
txtMonthlyWorkEarningsGross = Format(WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Columns("L"), Columns("B"), "Work", Columns("D"), cboPayMonthSearch.Value), "£#,##0.00")
txtMonthlyLeaveHours = Format(WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Columns("J"), Columns("B"), "Leave", Columns("D"), cboPayMonthSearch.Value), "#,##0.00")
txtMonthlyLeaveEarningsGross = Format(WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(Columns("L"), Columns("B"), "Leave", Columns("D"), cboPayMonthSearch.Value), "£#,##0.00")
Dim x As Double, y As Double
x = txtMonthlyWorkEarningsGross.Value
y = txtMonthlyLeaveEarningsGross.Value
txtTotalMonthlyEarningsGross.Value = Format(x + y, "Currency")
End Sub
Thank You In Advance