I get these catering summaries monthly, but each month the summaries' sheets are scrambled:
Column B:
Accounting Dept.
Sub Contractors
Supply Chain
Column C:
Figures (total number) of meals provided.
I do the job as the following:
In Column A is the heading Serial#, Col. "B" Cost Center, Col. "C", Total No. of meals.
For example, this month, I received the summaries in a box file: "Legal" summary was on top, "Accounting" beneth it, etc.
I'd scroll down to Legal Dept, and number it 1, move right twice, and key in its total number of meals. Then I"ll scroll up to "Accounting", and number it 2, etc. Then at the end, I sort the table ascending for Col. "A", to organize the summaries as received.
My question:
Is there a way for srl.#s in Col. "A" to be numbered automatically. Say, for "Legal Dept.", I'd just enter its total no. in Col. "C", and srl# "1" will show in Col. "A", then "Accounting Dept." will show "2" after I enter its total no. Then, I'll just copy-value the formulae in Col. "A", and sort.
I'd really appreciate your help, as I sometimes forget to enter the srl#.
Thank you in advance.
Sanad (snd).
Column B:
Accounting Dept.
Sub Contractors
Supply Chain
Column C:
Figures (total number) of meals provided.
I do the job as the following:
In Column A is the heading Serial#, Col. "B" Cost Center, Col. "C", Total No. of meals.
For example, this month, I received the summaries in a box file: "Legal" summary was on top, "Accounting" beneth it, etc.
I'd scroll down to Legal Dept, and number it 1, move right twice, and key in its total number of meals. Then I"ll scroll up to "Accounting", and number it 2, etc. Then at the end, I sort the table ascending for Col. "A", to organize the summaries as received.
My question:
Is there a way for srl.#s in Col. "A" to be numbered automatically. Say, for "Legal Dept.", I'd just enter its total no. in Col. "C", and srl# "1" will show in Col. "A", then "Accounting Dept." will show "2" after I enter its total no. Then, I'll just copy-value the formulae in Col. "A", and sort.
I'd really appreciate your help, as I sometimes forget to enter the srl#.

Thank you in advance.
Sanad (snd).