This is not really a question its just I want to thank everyone who has helped me over the last 3 years since I found this web page. I have ask less than 10 questions in the last three years and every time some one has helped me. Most of the time I find my answer with out asking just reading others questions.
As t must me very apparent reading my code snippets I am not a programmer but with your help I have cranked out some pretty useful time saving macros that make my work much easer to accomplish.
My only regret is the fact that I have almost no knowledge to give back.
Once again a big thank you to every one!
As t must me very apparent reading my code snippets I am not a programmer but with your help I have cranked out some pretty useful time saving macros that make my work much easer to accomplish.
My only regret is the fact that I have almost no knowledge to give back.
Once again a big thank you to every one!