I posted this a week or so ago and someone replied that I had to add a download to it, I am not sure if this acceptable but :
This is a representation of a MUCH larger workbook I just wanted to give the idea.
I would be ever so appreciative if someone would tell me what functions or skills I need to learn to do what I am thinking.
Thank you VERY much!
I apologize in advance. I am not an expert user and I don't want someone to do it for me just tell me what I need to learn to do.
Ok here goes.
I currently work in a workbook with 99 sheets. Each sheet represents a machine on a line or the "total for the day" sheet for each line (there are 6 machine lines).
On each sheet are the following columns: DATE JOB# DAY COUNT NIGHT COUNT
First I want to know what I need to learn to automate the entry... can I even do that? I have no issues with changing the format of the workbook but other people look at it, and those people do NOT want to learn how to do ANYTHING new.... so while I can clean it up so to speak, it has to remain in its current form.
The second half of my question.. and the harder one but...
The Production manager wants a daily report that keeps track of his quantities made, like a running total so the toolmakers can easily see how many more days they need on a job and to use it for production time projection. Now, my question is... The entry form for the 1st part of my question looks pretty much like the sheet I get every day with the actual data on it. He wants his "report" to look the same essentially just with job totals (by machine) and a running total of each job, but I need that data into the large sheet mentioned above as well as this other form. I recognize this is 2 workbooks but can I make them one? For instance, first sheet is the "entry" sheet that I enter into every day the data, which then takes that data, puts it into the appropriate sheet and then tallies it in a final sheet that gives the PM what he is looking for.
I'd be happy to show someone exactly what I am working with here, and honestly I want to learn what to do, I just really don't know WHAT it is I am supposed to be learning. I tried a pivot table and that does work, sort of, but I don't know what I am doing wrong that it isn't doing what I want.
Thank you for reading my nonsense! I appreciate any help so much. This is a new job for me and I'd like to not look like an idiot :P
This is a representation of a MUCH larger workbook I just wanted to give the idea.
I would be ever so appreciative if someone would tell me what functions or skills I need to learn to do what I am thinking.
Thank you VERY much!
I apologize in advance. I am not an expert user and I don't want someone to do it for me just tell me what I need to learn to do.
Ok here goes.
I currently work in a workbook with 99 sheets. Each sheet represents a machine on a line or the "total for the day" sheet for each line (there are 6 machine lines).
On each sheet are the following columns: DATE JOB# DAY COUNT NIGHT COUNT
First I want to know what I need to learn to automate the entry... can I even do that? I have no issues with changing the format of the workbook but other people look at it, and those people do NOT want to learn how to do ANYTHING new.... so while I can clean it up so to speak, it has to remain in its current form.
The second half of my question.. and the harder one but...
The Production manager wants a daily report that keeps track of his quantities made, like a running total so the toolmakers can easily see how many more days they need on a job and to use it for production time projection. Now, my question is... The entry form for the 1st part of my question looks pretty much like the sheet I get every day with the actual data on it. He wants his "report" to look the same essentially just with job totals (by machine) and a running total of each job, but I need that data into the large sheet mentioned above as well as this other form. I recognize this is 2 workbooks but can I make them one? For instance, first sheet is the "entry" sheet that I enter into every day the data, which then takes that data, puts it into the appropriate sheet and then tallies it in a final sheet that gives the PM what he is looking for.
I'd be happy to show someone exactly what I am working with here, and honestly I want to learn what to do, I just really don't know WHAT it is I am supposed to be learning. I tried a pivot table and that does work, sort of, but I don't know what I am doing wrong that it isn't doing what I want.
Thank you for reading my nonsense! I appreciate any help so much. This is a new job for me and I'd like to not look like an idiot :P