Just thought I would ask if there is any way to redo the following sections of code to be non looping.
All of the sections are from the same subroutine, so the variables are related. I have added some code to each section in order to distinguish them a bit, so if it seems like there is duplicate code, that is why.
The goal of all of the sections is to replace the loops, if possible. Thank you for any assistance.
All of the sections are from the same subroutine, so the variables are related. I have added some code to each section in order to distinguish them a bit, so if it seems like there is duplicate code, that is why.
The goal of all of the sections is to replace the loops, if possible. Thank you for any assistance.
VBA Code:
Sub PossibleNoLoopCandidateTest1()
' Goal is to load absent Student names into an array, determine which names are considered to be unexcused, load those names
' into a different array and also keep a count of those absents that are loaded into the revised array.
' End Goal is to have an array of names that are unexcused and have the total count of those unexcused names.
Dim AbsentsToBeAdded As Long
Dim SourceArrayLoopCounter As Long
Dim SourceLastRow As Long
Dim AbsentStudentArrayList As Object ' One dimensional array list
Dim DumpedExcusesArray As Variant ' Two dimensinal array
Dim DumpedNamesArray As Variant ' Two dimensinal array
' Add students that should be counted as Absent to AbsentStudentArrayList and keep a count of that number
Set AbsentStudentArrayList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
AbsentStudentArrayList.Add "Filler Item" ' Add a filler to fill Item(0) of AbsentStudentArrayList
For SourceArrayLoopCounter = 1 To SourceLastRow - 1
If Not Trim(DumpedExcusesArray(SourceArrayLoopCounter, 1)) = "TU" And _
Not Trim(DumpedExcusesArray(SourceArrayLoopCounter, 1)) = "SR" And _
Not Trim(DumpedExcusesArray(SourceArrayLoopCounter, 1)) = "TE" Then ' If not excused absent then ...
AbsentStudentArrayList.Add DumpedNamesArray(SourceArrayLoopCounter, 1) ' Load absent name into a 1D array List, (1) = 1st student, (2) = 2nd student, etc
End If
AbsentsToBeAdded = AbsentStudentArrayList.Count - 1 ' Save the count of Names added to the array list ... - 1 to account for filler
End Sub
VBA Code:
Sub PossibleNoLoopCandidateTest2()
' Goal is to compare list of unexcused absents to array of Student names, if match found then Load "A" into SelectedDayColumnArray, also
' keep a count of those "A"s that are loaded into the array.
' End Goal is to have an array of "A"s that will then be printed next to matching student name, also a total of all of the "A"s that were added to the array.
Dim AbsentCounter As Long
Dim AbsentsAdded As Long
Dim AbsentsNotAddedCounter As Long
Dim AbsentsToBeAdded As Long
Dim TotalStudentCounter As Long
Dim AbsentsNotAddedArrayList As Object ' One dimensional array list
Dim AbsentStudentArrayList As Object ' One dimensional array list
Dim SelectedDayColumnArray() As Variant ' One dimensional array
Dim TotalStudentArray() As Variant ' One dimensional array
' Add students that should be counted as Absent to AbsentStudentArrayList and keep a count of that number
Set AbsentStudentArrayList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
AbsentStudentArrayList.Add "Filler Item" ' Add a filler to fill Item(0) of AbsentStudentArrayList
' Add 'A's" to column array, increment Absents, Add Names not added to arrayList
Set AbsentsNotAddedArrayList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For AbsentCounter = 1 To AbsentsToBeAdded
For TotalStudentCounter = 1 To UBound(TotalStudentArray)
If Application.Trim(AbsentStudentArrayList(AbsentCounter)) = Application.Trim(TotalStudentArray(TotalStudentCounter)) Then ' Delete leading/trailing spaces
SelectedDayColumnArray(TotalStudentCounter) = "A" ' If match found, Load 'A' into the column array
AbsentsAdded = AbsentsAdded + 1 ' Increment AbsentsAdded
Exit For ' Exit inner For loop
End If
If TotalStudentCounter = UBound(TotalStudentArray) + 1 Then ' If a student name is not recognized then ...
AbsentsNotAddedCounter = AbsentsNotAddedCounter + 1 ' Add 1 to the counter
AbsentsNotAddedArrayList.Add AbsentStudentArrayList(AbsentCounter) ' Save the name of the absent student that wasn't added
End If
End Sub
VBA Code:
Sub PossibleNoLoopCandidateTest3()
' Goal is add each absent student name from the AbsentsNotAddedArrayList to a string
Dim AbsentsNotAddedArrayList As Object ' One dimensional array list
Dim StudentsNotAdded As String
Set AbsentsNotAddedArrayList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each Student In AbsentsNotAddedArrayList
StudentsNotAdded = StudentsNotAdded & Student & vbCrLf ' Add each name to a message string
MsgBox "Student(s) unable to be automatically added: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & StudentsNotAdded ' Display all names not automatically added
Debug.Print "Student(s) unable to be automatically added: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & StudentsNotAdded ' Display all names not automatically added to the debug window
End Sub