No event is triggered upon pressing tab


New Member
Aug 19, 2015
Hello All,

I have one userform on which I have a multi pahe. Each tab of multi page has 4 text boxes in column format . Each column having two text boxes. At the bottom of the user form, there are three command buttons (Next Page, Cancel and Close). All controls are added to a collection and collection belongs to a custom class. The custom class will take different action based on event generated by collection and control type. One of the action is to add another row of text boxes when user presses tab key from last avaialble text box under second column. Upon reaching near the command box, if user presses tab again, command buttons are deleted, scroll bar is added to multipage and new command buttons are added with proper alignement.

However I experienced a strange behaviour. Tab key event is triggered without any issue until it is required to delete the command buttons and create them again with proper alignement. Once command buttons are deleted, tab key event is not triggered even after pressing tab from last text box. Hence I cannot add new text boxes to multi page.

Here is the declaration part in user form:
Option Explicit
Dim colHoliday As Collection
Dim clsHolidayObject As clsHolidayCalendar

Here is the declaration part in class clsHolidayCalendar:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents tbxCal        As MSForms.TextBox
Public WithEvents cmdCal        As MSForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents multiPageCal  As MSForms.MultiPage
Public WithEvents lblCal        As MSForms.Label
Dim colHoliday                  As Collection
Dim clsHolidayObject            As clsHolidayCalendar

Here is the code while controls are added to collection:
Set colHoliday = New Collection

Set TxbCtrl = HolCalMulPg.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & pageIndex & "TextBox" & TbxIdx)

With TxbCtrl
   .Text = TxbText
   .Font = "Arial"
   .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
   .Top = TxbTpMrgn
   .Left = LblLeftMrgn
   .Height = TxbHght
   .Width = TxbWdth
   .TabIndex = TbxIdx
   .Enabled = True
End With

Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
Set clsHolidayObject.tbxCal = TxbCtrl
colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject

Following two sub will add and delete the text boxes and command buttons. All these subs are triggered upon pressing tab key at the last avaialble text box. Third sub is AddToCollection which loop through all controls in user form and add them to collection again. These subs are present in class clsHolidayCalendar:

Private Sub AddNewTextBox()
   Dim TxbCtrl          As MSForms.TextBox
   Dim ctrl             As MSForms.Control
   Dim pageIdx          As Long
   Dim i                As Long
   pageIdx = Letters_Out(FocusedPage)
   Set colHoliday = New Collection
   For Each ctrl In HolidayCalendarUserform.Controls
       If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.MultiPage Then
          TxbIndex = TxbIndex + 1
          Set TxbCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIdx).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & pageIdx & "TextBox" & TxbIndex)
          With TxbCtrl
             .Text = "Enter/Select A Date"
             .Font = "Arial"
             .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
             .Top = TxbTpMrgn
             .Left = LeftMrgn1
             .Height = TxbHght
             .Width = TxbWdth1
             .TabIndex = TxbIndex
             .Enabled = True
          End With
          TxbIndex = TxbIndex + 1
          Set TxbCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIdx).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & pageIdx & "TextBox" & TxbIndex)
          With TxbCtrl
             .Text = "Enter Holiday Description"
             .Font = "Arial"
             .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
             .Top = TxbTpMrgn
             .Left = LeftMrgn2
             .Height = TxbHght
             .Width = TxbWdth2
             .TabIndex = TxbIndex
             .Enabled = True
          End With
       End If
       Exit For

End Sub

Private Sub ShiftInstLabelCommanBtn()
   Dim ctrl         As MSForms.Control
   Dim LblCtrl      As MSForms.Label
   Dim CmdBtnCtrl   As MSForms.CommandButton

   For Each ctrl In HolidayCalendarUserform.Controls
      If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.MultiPage Then
         Set LblCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Page" & pageIndex & "Label" & LblCount - 1)
         With LblCtrl
            .Caption = "Press Tab Key To Add More Records"
            .Font = "Arial"
            .Font.Bold = True
            .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
            .Top = InstLblTopMrgn
            .Left = LeftMrgn1
            .Height = LblHght
            .AutoSize = True
            .WordWrap = False
            .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
         End With
         With ctrl
            .Height = MulPgHt
            .Width = MulPgWd
            If MulScHt > MulPgHt Then
               .Pages(pageIndex).KeepScrollBarsVisible = 1
               .Pages(pageIndex).ScrollBars = 2
               .Pages(pageIndex).ScrollHeight = MulScHt
            End If
            If pageIndex Mod 2 = 0 Then
               .Pages(pageIndex).Picture = PicForm.Image2.Picture
               .Pages(pageIndex).PictureSizeMode = 1
               .Pages(pageIndex).Picture = PicForm.Image3.Picture
               .Pages(pageIndex).PictureSizeMode = 1
            End If
         End With
         Set CmdBtnCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
         GapBtnCmdBtns = (UFormWd - (CmdBtnWdth * CmdBtnCount)) / CmdBtnCount - 1
         CmdBtnLeftMrgn = LeftMrgn1
         CmdBtnCtrl.Height = CmdBtnHght
         CmdBtnCtrl.Width = CmdBtnWdth
         CmdBtnCtrl.Top = CmdBtnTpMrgn
         CmdBtnCtrl.Left = CmdBtnLeftMrgn = "Arial"
         CmdBtnCtrl.Font.Size = 8
         CmdBtnCtrl.Enabled = True
         If pageIndex > 0 Then
            CmdBtnCtrl.Caption = "Prev Page"
            CmdBtnCtrl.Caption = "Next Page"
         End If
         CmdBtnCtrl.Font.Bold = True = "Page" & pageIndex & "Button" & CmdBtnCtrl.Caption
         CmdBtnLeftMrgn = CmdBtnLeftMrgn + CmdBtnCtrl.Width + GapBtnCmdBtns
         Set CmdBtnCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
         CmdBtnCtrl.Height = CmdBtnHght
         CmdBtnCtrl.Width = CmdBtnWdth
         CmdBtnCtrl.Top = CmdBtnTpMrgn
         CmdBtnCtrl.Left = CmdBtnLeftMrgn = "Arial"
         CmdBtnCtrl.Font.Size = 8
         CmdBtnCtrl.Enabled = True
         CmdBtnCtrl.Caption = "Cancel"
         CmdBtnCtrl.Font.Bold = True = "Page" & pageIndex & "Button" & CmdBtnCtrl.Caption
         CmdBtnLeftMrgn = CmdBtnLeftMrgn + CmdBtnCtrl.Width + GapBtnCmdBtns
         Set CmdBtnCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
         CmdBtnCtrl.Height = CmdBtnHght
         CmdBtnCtrl.Width = CmdBtnWdth
         CmdBtnCtrl.Top = CmdBtnTpMrgn
         CmdBtnCtrl.Left = CmdBtnLeftMrgn = "Arial"
         CmdBtnCtrl.Font.Size = 8
         CmdBtnCtrl.Enabled = True
         CmdBtnCtrl.Caption = "Close"
         CmdBtnCtrl.Font.Bold = True = "Page" & pageIndex & "Button" & CmdBtnCtrl.Caption
         Set CmdBtnCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIndex).Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1")
         CmdBtnCtrl.Height = 20
         CmdBtnCtrl.Width = 20
         CmdBtnCtrl.Top = TopMrgn / 2
         CmdBtnCtrl.Left = MulPgWd - RghtMrgn - 10
         CmdBtnCtrl.Enabled = True
         CmdBtnCtrl.Picture = PicForm.Image1.Picture
         CmdBtnCtrl.Caption = "Calendar" = "Page" & pageIndex & "Button" & CmdBtnCtrl.Caption

      End If
      Exit For

End Sub

Private Sub AddToCollection()
  Dim ctrl         As Control
  Set colHoliday = Nothing
  For Each ctrl In HolidayCalendarUserform.Controls
      If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.MultiPage Then
         Set colHoliday = New Collection
         Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
         Set clsHolidayObject.multiPageCal = ctrl
         colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
      End If
      If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.Label Then
         Set colHoliday = New Collection
         Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
         Set clsHolidayObject.lblCal = ctrl
         colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
      End If
      If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
         Set colHoliday = New Collection
         Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
         Set clsHolidayObject.tbxCal = ctrl
         colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
      End If
      If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.CommandButton Then
         Set colHoliday = New Collection
         Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
         Set clsHolidayObject.cmdCal = ctrl
         colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
      End If

End Sub

Please help and suggest how to resolve this problem.


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Instead of deleting and re-creating the CommandButton, have you tried just moving the existing one?
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Hello mikerickson,

Thank you for your reply. I did not try moving the command button and will check it now. Hopefully that will resolve click command button event. However for text box I have no option but to add new text boxes as user needs more text boxes. The tab key event is triggered for text boxes which is not happening when new text boxes are added.

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It sounds like your userform has a ton of moving parts. I haven't looked at the code much, but the newly created TextBox is also instansised as on of your custom controls (I assume).

Is there a limit to the number of textboxes that a user would need? If so, creating the textboxes at design time and hiding the unneeded ones is more robust that creating them at run-time.
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Unfortunately, I do not have any idea about number of text boxes required. Hence I allow user to create new row by pressing tab key.
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Hello mikerickson,

Can you please check following part:

Set colHoliday = New Collection

   For Each ctrl In HolidayCalendarUserform.Controls
       If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.MultiPage Then
          TxbIndex = TxbIndex + 1
          Set TxbCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIdx).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & pageIdx & "TextBox" & TxbIndex)
          With TxbCtrl
             .Text = "Enter/Select A Date"
             .Font = "Arial"
             .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
             .Top = TxbTpMrgn
             .Left = LeftMrgn1
             .Height = TxbHght
             .Width = TxbWdth1
             .TabIndex = TxbIndex
             .Enabled = True
          End With
          Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
          Set clsHolidayObject.tbxCal = TxbCtrl
          colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
          TxbIndex = TxbIndex + 1
          Set TxbCtrl = ctrl.Pages(pageIdx).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Page" & pageIdx & "TextBox" & TxbIndex)
          With TxbCtrl
             .Text = "Enter Holiday Description"
             .Font = "Arial"
             .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
             .Top = TxbTpMrgn
             .Left = LeftMrgn2
             .Height = TxbHght
             .Width = TxbWdth2
             .TabIndex = TxbIndex
             .Enabled = True
          End With
          Set clsHolidayObject = New clsHolidayCalendar
          Set clsHolidayObject.tbxCal = TxbCtrl
          colHoliday.Add clsHolidayObject
       End If
       Exit For

Do we set collection object to a new collection or continue with the same collection? If I remove this line, I get error while adding new object to collection

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You need to instansize a new collection when the userform first opens. Thereafter, you do not want a New Collection.

I'm not sure where the posted code is, but I would put this line in the Userform_Intialize event, and remove it from every other routine.
Set colHoliday = New Collection
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The code which adds new text boxes are in the class and in this case is in clsHolidayCalendar. I have followed your instruction but without any luck.
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Does the add-textbox code also instnanize a new clsHolidayObject object and set the newly created textbox to it's .tbxCal property?
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