Hi Guys, Any chance someone could look at this nested IF statement and see what the problem is. I have spent hours on it but it just doesn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance,
=IF(I18<49,7, IF(I18=50-100,11, IF(I18=101-150,12.5, IF(I18=151-501,I18/100*14, IF(I18=502-1001,I18/100*12, IF(I18=1002-5000,I18/100*10))))))
It is for delivery charges, so i'm looking at having
if cell I18 is less than 49 it should return 7
if cell I18 is less than 50-100 it should return 11
if cell I18 is less than 101-150 it should return 12.50
if cell I18 is less than 151-501 it should return 14% of Cell I18
if cell I18 is less than 502-1001 it should return 12% of cell I18
if cell I18 is less than 1002-5000 it should return 10% of cell I18.
The above formula just keeps returning 'FALSE'
Thanks in advance,
=IF(I18<49,7, IF(I18=50-100,11, IF(I18=101-150,12.5, IF(I18=151-501,I18/100*14, IF(I18=502-1001,I18/100*12, IF(I18=1002-5000,I18/100*10))))))
It is for delivery charges, so i'm looking at having
if cell I18 is less than 49 it should return 7
if cell I18 is less than 50-100 it should return 11
if cell I18 is less than 101-150 it should return 12.50
if cell I18 is less than 151-501 it should return 14% of Cell I18
if cell I18 is less than 502-1001 it should return 12% of cell I18
if cell I18 is less than 1002-5000 it should return 10% of cell I18.
The above formula just keeps returning 'FALSE'