I'm stuck here.
Column G is people's names, columns I and J are dates, the formula I’m writing is in column R.
My desired end result is:
If column G contains the name “Ed”, column R should say “N/A”. However, if column G contains a name that is NOT "Ed" AND there are dates in columns I and J then do the math, I – J (I minus J). If there's a date in either column but not both columns, then column R should remain blank. And finally, when the same date is in both columns (I & J) return a result of "0.00".
I have the following formula in column R of my spreadsheet.
What’s happening is,
- if columns I and J are empty, I get the answer 0.00
- if there is a date in column I but not J I get the spreadsheet representation of that date, i.e. 41607 for November 29, 2013
In both cases, I would like the cell in column R to remain blank
I'm stuck here.
Column G is people's names, columns I and J are dates, the formula I’m writing is in column R.
My desired end result is:
If column G contains the name “Ed”, column R should say “N/A”. However, if column G contains a name that is NOT "Ed" AND there are dates in columns I and J then do the math, I – J (I minus J). If there's a date in either column but not both columns, then column R should remain blank. And finally, when the same date is in both columns (I & J) return a result of "0.00".
I have the following formula in column R of my spreadsheet.
What’s happening is,
- if columns I and J are empty, I get the answer 0.00
- if there is a date in column I but not J I get the spreadsheet representation of that date, i.e. 41607 for November 29, 2013
In both cases, I would like the cell in column R to remain blank