So this has been a published code - (do not know who the author is) - for mail merge.
For my case, I have an excel file with line items and an email column and a purchase number column. I am using Microsoft Word and its Mail Merge function to populate a pre-drafted e-mail to send out to all of the line items, to its respective e-mail with all of the Merge Fields.
The code below is supposed to enable a variable subject for the e-mail. I want a dynamic subject line to include the purchase number in the subject for each e-mail. For example, the purchase number column heading is labeled Purch_Doc. And I want my e-mail subject line to say "Invoice Inquiry for Purchase Number <Purch_Doc>", so that the purchase number is variable in the subject line.
Probably the most simplest, but my problem currently: where do I put that subject line in the code? There were no clear instructions or notes on where I should put what I want for the subject in the code.
Thanks in advance!
For my case, I have an excel file with line items and an email column and a purchase number column. I am using Microsoft Word and its Mail Merge function to populate a pre-drafted e-mail to send out to all of the line items, to its respective e-mail with all of the Merge Fields.
The code below is supposed to enable a variable subject for the e-mail. I want a dynamic subject line to include the purchase number in the subject for each e-mail. For example, the purchase number column heading is labeled Purch_Doc. And I want my e-mail subject line to say "Invoice Inquiry for Purchase Number <Purch_Doc>", so that the purchase number is variable in the subject line.
Probably the most simplest, but my problem currently: where do I put that subject line in the code? There were no clear instructions or notes on where I should put what I want for the subject in the code.
Thanks in advance!
Dim WithEvents wdapp As Application
Private Sub Document_Open()
Set wdapp = Application
ThisDocument.MailMerge.ShowWizard 1
End Sub
Private Sub Document_Close()
Set wdapp = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub wdapp_MailMergeBeforeRecordMerge(ByVal Doc As Document, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim i As Integer
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
EMAIL_SUBJECT = .MailSubject
Else .MailSubject = EMAIL_SUBJECT
End If
i = .DataSource.DataFields.Count
Do While i > 0
.MailSubject = Replace(.MailSubject, "<" & .DataSource.DataFields(i).Name & ">", .DataSource.DataFields(i).Value, , , vbTextCompare)
i = i - 1
End With
End Sub
Private Sub wdapp_MailMergeBeforeMerge(ByVal Doc As Document, ByVal StartRecord As Long, ByVal EndRecord As Long, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub wdapp_MailMergeAfterMerge(ByVal Doc As Document, ByVal DocResult As Document)
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.MailSubject = EMAIL_SUBJECT
End Sub