I use this code to copy and paste addresses into a excel sheet and it works well. However if there are blank lines between the name, address and city/state lines it fails. How can I modify it to remove the blank lines?
Sub SameAsBillTo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Dim x As Variant
Dim fndList As Variant
Dim replaceList As Variant
Dim y As Long
Dim clipboard As MSForms.DataObject
Dim str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, arr() As String
Set clipboard = New MSForms.DataObject
str1 = clipboard.GetText
str1 = UCase(str1)
arr() = Split(str1, vbCrLf)
Cells(4, 36).Resize(UBound(arr) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(arr)
For Each x In Range(Cells(4, 36), Cells(8, 36))
x.Value = Trim(x.Value)
x.Replace What:=",", Replacement:=" "
x.Replace What:=".", Replacement:=" "
x.Replace What:=" ", Replacement:=" "
Next x
str2 = LTrim(RTrim(Cells(4, 36))) 'Name
str3 = LTrim(RTrim(Cells(5, 36))) 'Street / 4 Line Company
str4 = LTrim(RTrim(Cells(6, 36))) '4 Line Street /4 Line citystatezip
str5 = LTrim(RTrim(Cells(7, 36))) '4 Line citystatezip /4 Line country
str6 = LTrim(RTrim(Cells(8, 36))) 'Country
str7 = LTrim(RTrim(Cells(8, 36))) 'Country
str8 = Replace(Right(str5, 10), "-", "") 'USA Zip
str9 = Replace(Right(str5, 5), "-", "")
If IsNumeric(str8) Or IsNumeric(str9) Then
str8 = "USA"
End If
If str5 = "CANADA" Or str7 = "CANADA" Then
On Error Resume Next
fndList = Array("Alberta", "British Columbia", "New Brunswick", "Manitoba", "Northwest Territories", "Nova Scotia", "Nunavut", "Ontario", _
"Prince Edward Island", "Quebec", "Saskatchewan", "Yukon", "Newfoundland", "Labrador")
replaceList = Array("AB", "BC", "NB", "MB", "NT", "NS", "NU", "ON", "PE", "QC", "SK", "YT", "NL", "L")
For y = LBound(fndList) To UBound(fndList)
For Each x In Range(Cells(6, 36), Cells(7, 36))
x.Replace What:=fndList(y), Replacement:=replaceList(y)
Next x
End If
str4 = Cells(6, 36)
str5 = Cells(7, 36)
fndList = Array("Street", "Avenue", "Road", "Boulevard", "Lane", "Suite", "Apartment", "Room", "Building", "Center")
replaceList = Array("ST", "AVE", "RD", "BLVD", "LN", "STE", "APT", "RM", "BLDG", "CTR")
For y = LBound(fndList) To UBound(fndList)
For Each x In Range(Cells(5, 36), Cells(7, 36))
x.Replace What:=fndList(y), Replacement:=replaceList(y)
Next x
str3 = Cells(5, 36)
str4 = Cells(6, 36)
str5 = Cells(7, 36)
On Error Resume Next
If str7 = "CANADA" And Mid(str5, Len(str5) - 3, 1) = " " Then
str5 = Mid(str5, 1, Len(str5) - 4) & Mid(str5, Len(str5) - 2)
Cells(7, 36).Value = str5
GoTo Line100
End If
If str5 = "CANADA" And Mid(str4, Len(str4) - 3, 1) = " " Then
str4 = Mid(str4, 1, Len(str4) - 4) & Mid(str4, Len(str4) - 2)
Cells(6, 36).Value = str4
GoTo Line200
End If
'USA / without company
If str5 = "" And str7 = "" Then
Cells(10, 6) = str2
Cells(10, 11) = str2
Cells(11, 6) = str3
Cells(11, 11) = str3
Cells(13, 6) = str4
Cells(13, 11) = str4
Cells(14, 6) = str6
Cells(14, 11) = str6
End If
'USA / with Company
If str5 <> "" And str6 = "" And str8 = "USA" Then
Cells(10, 6) = str2
Cells(15, 11) = str2
Cells(10, 11) = str3
Cells(11, 6) = str4
Cells(11, 11) = str4
Cells(13, 6) = str5
Cells(13, 11) = str5
Cells(14, 6) = str6
Cells(14, 11) = str6
GoTo Line250
End If
'International / with Company
If str5 <> "" And str6 <> "" Then
Cells(10, 6) = str2
Cells(15, 11) = str2
Cells(10, 11) = str3
Cells(11, 6) = str4
Cells(11, 11) = str4
Cells(13, 6) = str5
Cells(13, 11) = str5
Cells(14, 6) = str6
Cells(14, 11) = str6
GoTo Line250
End If
'International / no Company
If str5 <> "Canada" And str6 = "" And str7 = "" Then
Cells(10, 6) = str2
Cells(10, 11) = str2
Cells(11, 6) = str3
Cells(11, 11) = str3
Cells(13, 6) = str4
Cells(13, 11) = str4
Cells(14, 6) = str5
Cells(14, 11) = str5
GoTo Line250
End If
'Canada / no Company
If str5 <> "" And str6 = "" And str7 = "" Then
Cells(10, 6) = str2
Cells(10, 11) = str2
Cells(11, 6) = str3
Cells(11, 11) = str3
Cells(13, 6) = str4
Cells(13, 11) = str4
Cells(14, 6) = str5
Cells(14, 11) = str5
End If
Load Parser
With Parser
.txtAddress.Value = Cells(13, 11).Value
.txtName.Value = Cells(10, 11).Value
.txtStreet.Value = Cells(11, 11).Value
End With
With Parser
On Error Resume Next
.StartUpPosition = 0
.Left = Application.Left + (0.5 * Application.Width) - (0.5 * .Width)
.Top = Application.Top + (0.5 * Application.Height) - (0.5 * .Height)
End With
Worksheets("Invoice").Range(Cells(4, 36), Cells(9, 36)).ClearContents
End Sub