Hi, I have a spreadsheet with >50 sheets. I need to know the row number that a certain reference can be found in each sheet. For example, I need to know what row "planned revenue" is in sheet "IMO1". I know you can get it by using a match function - so if "planned revenue is written in cell AS15 in the sheet in which the formula is written and is in column D in sheet IMO1, you can write =match(AS15,'IMO1'!D:D,0) and that will give you row number. However, I would like to not have to write in "'IMO1'" and instead refer to a cell where IMO1 is written and have it recognize that is the tab I want the formula to refer to...
I can't use the indirect function because the row number needs to be flexible (though the column does not). I actually have the indirect function written in another cell, and am trying to determine how to get the row number in order to make the indirect function "flexible"...
Any ideas?
I can't use the indirect function because the row number needs to be flexible (though the column does not). I actually have the indirect function written in another cell, and am trying to determine how to get the row number in order to make the indirect function "flexible"...
Any ideas?