Sub SendEmail_DailyPlan()
' ********************************************************************************
' Initialize Variables and Format Date for Worksheet Title
' ********************************************************************************
ReportYear = Year(Range("a1"))
ReportDay = Right("00" & Day(Range("a1")), 2)
ReportMonth = Right("00" & Month(Range("a1")), 2)
ReportHour = Right("00" & Hour(Range("a1")), 2)
ReportMinute = Right("00" & Minute(Range("a1")), 2)
ReportDate = ReportYear & "-" & ReportMonth & "-" & ReportDay & " " & ReportHour & "" & ReportMinute
Department = Sheets("Daily_Plan").Range("A2")
ReportType = Range("B1")
Title = Trim(Department & " " & ReportType & " " & ReportDate)
'MsgBox Title
' *******************************************************************************
' Create eMail List Array
' *******************************************************************************
' Empty previous email Addresses
For n = 1 To 500
eMailAddress(n) = ""
Next n
' Find Department Column
For nCol = 1 To 10
If Cells(1, nCol) = Department Then
Exit For
End If
Next nCol
If nCol = 10 Then MsgBox "Department Not Found"
' ********************************************************************************
' Select how far down the email list to send.
' ********************************************************************************
HowManyEmails = Cells(10, 1)
'MsgBox "HowManyEmails=" & HowManyEmails
' *******************************************************************************
' Load eMail addresses into array
' *******************************************************************************
eMailAddress(1) = Cells(6, nCol) ' This cell contains the email address for SharePoint
If HowManyEmails = 0 Then GoTo DoNotAddEmailsToList
For nRow = 7 To HowManyEmails + 6
IsValidEmail = 0
If Cells(nRow, nCol) = "" Then Exit For
For nAddressCheck = 1 To 100
If Mid(Cells(nRow, nCol), nAddressCheck, 1) = "" Then Exit For
If Mid(Cells(nRow, nCol), nAddressCheck, 1) = "@" Then
IsValidEmail = 1
Exit For
End If
Next nAddressCheck
If IsValidEmail = 1 Then
eMailAddress(nRow - 5) = Cells(nRow, nCol) 'Load individual names
eMailAddress(nRow - 5) = Cells(nRow, nCol) & ""
End If
'MsgBox nRow - 4 & " emailAddress=" & eMailAddress(nRow - 4)
Next nRow
'MsgBox eMailAddress(1)
' *******************************************************************************
' Send Emails
' *******************************************************************************
If Val(Application.Version) = 11 Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Title
Else: ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Title, xlAddIn8
End If
On Error GoTo BadEmail
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:=Array(eMailAddress), Subject:=Title
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
MsgBox Title & " was Delivered to " & nRow - 6 & " email addresses and filed in SharePoint"
GoTo BottomOfSub
MsgBox Title & "delivery was not possible due to email error. SharePoint file was saved on drive."
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=True
End Sub