I'm trying to write a macro that will hide all rows where there is text in column B AND where the values in columns C through P are zero (not where the values sum to zero, but where each cell in those columns is zero).
I've written a macro that will hide the rows where the values in the cells in a given row in columns C through P are zero, but I'm having trouble adding in the second condition (checking if there is text in column B as well). Basically I have a spreadsheet with about 950 line items, where many of the rows have zeroes associated with a particular line item. But the line items fall into categories (such as personnel, programming, etc.) and these categories are separated by completely blank/empty rows. I don't want the macro to hide these empty rows, just the ones where there is a line item in column B and only values of zero in columns C through P. Make sense?
I'm using Excel 2007.
Here is what I have written so far, which just takes care of checking and hiding rows with values of zero in Columns C through P.
Option Explicit
Sub HideOnZero()
Dim rngTest As Range
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim lngStRow As Long
Dim lngEndRow As Long
Dim rngRow As Range
Dim blnZero As Boolean
Dim n As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHnd
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
With ActiveSheet
'selected cell within required range
'set range to current region around selected cell
Set rngTest = Range("C9:U961")
'get rows in range
lngStRow = rngTest.Rows(1).Row
lngEndRow = lngStRow + rngTest.Rows.Count - 1
'go through each row
For n = lngStRow To lngEndRow
blnZero = True
'test each cell in the row from column C to column P
For Each rngCell In Range("C" & Format(n, "#0") & ": P" & Format(n, "#0")).Cells
'test if cell value is zero
If rngCell.Value <> 0 Then
blnZero = False
End If
'if a non-zero cell encountered don't test this row any more
If blnZero = False Then Exit For
'if we get to the last cell in this row (column P)
'then setup a range for the whole row
If rngCell.Column = Range("C" & Format(n, "#0") & ": P" & _
Format(n, "#0")).Columns.Count + 2 Then
Set rngRow = rngCell.EntireRow
End If
Next rngCell
'hide the row if no non-zero cells found
If blnZero = True Then
rngRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next n
End With
Exit Sub
'error handler
End Sub
I've written a macro that will hide the rows where the values in the cells in a given row in columns C through P are zero, but I'm having trouble adding in the second condition (checking if there is text in column B as well). Basically I have a spreadsheet with about 950 line items, where many of the rows have zeroes associated with a particular line item. But the line items fall into categories (such as personnel, programming, etc.) and these categories are separated by completely blank/empty rows. I don't want the macro to hide these empty rows, just the ones where there is a line item in column B and only values of zero in columns C through P. Make sense?
I'm using Excel 2007.
Here is what I have written so far, which just takes care of checking and hiding rows with values of zero in Columns C through P.
Option Explicit
Sub HideOnZero()
Dim rngTest As Range
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim lngStRow As Long
Dim lngEndRow As Long
Dim rngRow As Range
Dim blnZero As Boolean
Dim n As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHnd
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
With ActiveSheet
'selected cell within required range
'set range to current region around selected cell
Set rngTest = Range("C9:U961")
'get rows in range
lngStRow = rngTest.Rows(1).Row
lngEndRow = lngStRow + rngTest.Rows.Count - 1
'go through each row
For n = lngStRow To lngEndRow
blnZero = True
'test each cell in the row from column C to column P
For Each rngCell In Range("C" & Format(n, "#0") & ": P" & Format(n, "#0")).Cells
'test if cell value is zero
If rngCell.Value <> 0 Then
blnZero = False
End If
'if a non-zero cell encountered don't test this row any more
If blnZero = False Then Exit For
'if we get to the last cell in this row (column P)
'then setup a range for the whole row
If rngCell.Column = Range("C" & Format(n, "#0") & ": P" & _
Format(n, "#0")).Columns.Count + 2 Then
Set rngRow = rngCell.EntireRow
End If
Next rngCell
'hide the row if no non-zero cells found
If blnZero = True Then
rngRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next n
End With
Exit Sub
'error handler
End Sub