I'm working on automatically creating labels, I've got the bulk of it down where it sources the information I want, creates a new label sheet and appropriately puts the information on the label. The only problem is that it does this for EVERY row every time. Because it is sourcing from a master log, this log could become quite large over time.
I need it to only create labels for data entered on the current day (I put in a date stamper macro already). OR only create labels for the filtered visible rows. Either or is fine, I just need a solution so that I have some control over which rows it makes labels for.
Im new to VBA, I adjusted a code I found online to create this, and I've probably spent close to 12 hours tinkering with this thing. Please help.
Here is the code Im working with:
I need it to only create labels for data entered on the current day (I put in a date stamper macro already). OR only create labels for the filtered visible rows. Either or is fine, I just need a solution so that I have some control over which rows it makes labels for.
Im new to VBA, I adjusted a code I found online to create this, and I've probably spent close to 12 hours tinkering with this thing. Please help.
Here is the code Im working with:
Option Explicit
Sub FillOutTemplate()
Dim LastRw As Long, Rw As Long, Cnt As Long
Dim dSht As Worksheet, tSht As Worksheet
Dim MakeBooks As Boolean, SavePath As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'speed up macro execution
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'no alerts, default answers used
Set dSht = Sheets("Sheet3") 'sheet with data on it starting in row2
Set tSht = Sheets("Box Label") 'sheet to copy and fill out
LastRw = dSht.Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For Rw = 2 To LastRw
tSht.Copy After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) 'copy the template
With ActiveSheet 'fill out the form
'edit these rows to fill out your form, add more as needed
.Name = dSht.Range("A" & Rw)
.Range("H7:I13").Value = dSht.Range("B" & Rw).Value
.Range("B7:G13").Value = dSht.Range("C" & Rw).Value
.Range("B3:G5").Value = dSht.Range("D" & Rw).Value
.Range("F17:H22").Value = dSht.Range("F" & Rw).Value
.Range("A7:A13").Value = dSht.Range("H" & Rw).Value
End With
If MakeBooks Then 'if making separate workbooks from filled out form
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs SavePath & Range("B3").Value, xlNormal
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End If
Cnt = Cnt + 1
Next Rw
If MakeBooks Then
MsgBox "Workbooks created: " & Cnt
MsgBox "Worksheets created: " & Cnt
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub