I have a ? Icon in a few areas in my spreadsheet to use as a hyperlink to jump to another worksheet in the same workbook to a named cell. I select the icon and EDIT HYPERLINK I select PLACE IN THIS DOCUMENT and select the named cell from a list. when I hover over the link, it shows an absolute path from the C drive to the name of the workbook.
I need to distribute the workbook so that people can store it in any folder and even rename it. The worksheet is locked so they cannot rename the worksheet or the cell. I cannot find anyway I can edit the absolute path to make it relative, although it appears to be relative when I edit the hyperlink.
Although this wont help click on my graphic.. I tried using =HYPERLINK(named cell) and =HYPERLINK(A2) as a test and that doesn't even work! I don't know what else to try!
I need to distribute the workbook so that people can store it in any folder and even rename it. The worksheet is locked so they cannot rename the worksheet or the cell. I cannot find anyway I can edit the absolute path to make it relative, although it appears to be relative when I edit the hyperlink.
Although this wont help click on my graphic.. I tried using =HYPERLINK(named cell) and =HYPERLINK(A2) as a test and that doesn't even work! I don't know what else to try!