Need help with VBA to do what I do with formulas


Board Regular
Jul 8, 2009
Hi Guys,

Wondering if someone can help me come to with a VBA solution for a task I need to run on a daily basis. I receive a report every day with over 500K rows and 13 columns in which I need to identify if there are duplicate entries, the problem is that doing this with a formula consums all the resources of my processor and takes a looooong time to finishing the calculation, these are the steps I take to do this:

1. When I receive the report, I remove all duplicate values from column A.

2. Sort values based on columns B and C

3. I enter the following formula in an empty cell next to each line:

=SUMPRODUCT((B2=B:B)*(C2=C:C)*(D2=D:D)) (Takes forever to return the results for each line)

With this formula I have either values of 1 or more, so after all the lines have a value I can remove all those lines with value 1, because this tells me there is only 1 line with the same information, however if the value is more than one, I need to continue my checking.

4. After removing the lines with value 1, I will normally have 2 or 3 lines in a row with similar data in columns B (ie. B1 & B2) and C (ie. C1 & C2) but a difference in column D (ie. D1 & D2), so if the difference between these 2 cells (ie. D1 & D2) is <= 10 minutes, then these lines are duplicate and I need to keep these lines for further investigation, but if the difference is > 10 minutes, it is ok to get rid of the lines. See sample table below

<TABLE style="WIDTH: 191pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=253><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 14pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 694" width=19><COL style="WIDTH: 59pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2852" span=2 width=78><COL style="WIDTH: 59pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2852" width=78><TBODY><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #f0f0f0; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 14pt; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: #f0f0f0; BORDER-RIGHT: #f0f0f0" height=20 width=19></TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl69 width=78>B</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl70 width=78>C</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; WIDTH: 59pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl71 width=78>D</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>1</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>12121077</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>30</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>7:01:40 AM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>2</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>12121077</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>30</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>7:05:56 AM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>3</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>12345678</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>4:49:57 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>4</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>12345678</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>4:59:39 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>5</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>23456781</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>4:49:57 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>6</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>23456781</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>4:59:39 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>7</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>34567812</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>4:50:15 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>8</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>34567812</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>5:00:13 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>9</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>345678123</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>4:50:15 PM</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; HEIGHT: 15pt; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 height=20 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #f0f0f0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl68 align=right>345678123</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl65 align=right>10</TD><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 0.5pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: windowtext; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; BORDER-TOP: windowtext; BORDER-RIGHT: windowtext 0.5pt solid" class=xl67 align=right>5:00:13 PM</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I will really appreciate if someone can help me at least to get something to work steps 1 thru 3.

Thanks a lot in advance for all your help.
Can you explain exactly what it is that you are trying to accomplish. I follow up until the point that you are entering the formula. Do you want to delete all of the duplicates or do you just want to delete the unique values?

You can speed up the formula side by at least 1/2 by changing the formulas to evaluate just the used range instead of the entire column.

If you have over 500k rows, then you must be using excel 2007+, which means that you are evaluating over 1 million cells for each column of your sumproduct formula.

1.5 mil vs 3 mil should speed it up quite a bit.
Upvote 0
How about this? If you insert a row to the right of column C, then enter the formula =concatenate(B3,C3) and copy that all the way down. Then use the following code.

Sub t2()
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim r As Range, cel As Range
Dim x As Long
Set r = Range(Range("D1"), Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
x = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row()
For x = x To 1 Step -1
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, Cells(x, r.Column())) > 1 Then
        If Abs((Cells(x, r.Column() + 1) - Cells(x - 1, r.Column() + 1)) * 60 * 24) > 10 Then
            Cells(x, r.Column()).Rows.EntireRow.Delete
        End If
    End If
Next x
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub

It looks to see if there is a duplicate in the newly created column D, and if there is then it looks at the difference in times between the time value in that row and the time value in the row above. If that difference is greater than 10 minutes, then the row is deleted. If not, it is left for you to review.

Let me know how that works for you. With any luck it should speed it up considerably.

This is assuming that you are still doing steps 1 and 2 in your original post.
Upvote 0
A small but important tweak made here. Should work with no problems now.

Sub t2()
On Error GoTo ex
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim r As Range, cel As Range
Dim x As Long
Set r = Range(Range("D1"), Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
x = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row()
For x = x To 1 Step -1
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, Cells(x, r.Column())) > 1 Then
        If Abs((Cells(x, r.Column() + 1) - Cells(x - 1, r.Column() + 1)) * 60 * 24) > 10 And Cells(x, r.Column()) = Cells(x - 1, r.Column()) Then
            Cells(x, r.Column()).Rows.EntireRow.Delete
        End If
    End If
Next x
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
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