Thanks for reply Dave, seems like something is wrong =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)>1,VLOOKUP(A2,A$2:B2,2,FALSE),"")Starting with this formulas in B2 and drag down.
Once you start entering yes/no in the cells the matching cells will update .
Do the same for column C
Thanks for reply Dave, seems like something is wrong =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)>1,VLOOKUP(A2,A$2:B2,2,FALSE),"")
No sorry that not work. Thanks for the tryDo you mean this:
Excel Formula:=INDEX(B2:C10;0;0)
inserted in B11?
This work thanks but the problem is when i try to drag down i lose the records that are already in the sheet .. is there a other way ?Starting with this formulas in B2 and drag down.
Once you start entering yes/no in the cells the matching cells will update .
Do the same for column C
=VLOOKUP(A11,$A$2:$C$10, 2, FALSE)
=VLOOKUP(A11,$A$2:$C$10, 3, FALSE)
Sounds like a simple VLOOKUP is what you're looking for. Plug this into cell B11 and fill down:
Excel Formula:=VLOOKUP(A11,$A$2:$C$10, 2, FALSE)
And plug this into cell C11 and fill down
Excel Formula:=VLOOKUP(A11,$A$2:$C$10, 3, FALSE)
Another option would be use INDEX & MATCH together:
Cell B11 & fill down:
Excel Formula:=INDEX($B$2:$B$10,MATCH(A8,$A$2:$A$10,0))
Cell C11 & fill down:
Excel Formula:=INDEX($C$2:$C$10,MATCH(A8,$A$2:$A$10,0))[/CODE [/QUOTE] Thank you very much [USER=52733]Burrgogi[/USER] ill give a try