I found a code that splits data into multiple sheets based on a key column but there is a line "ws.Cells(1, iCol) = "Unique"" which after the code runs, this word appears in cell XFD1. Without breaking the code like i know i'll do, how can i add a clean up to the code to remove "Unique" after the code is done running? Thanks!
I found a code that splits data into multiple sheets based on a key column but there is a line "ws.Cells(1, iCol) = "Unique"" which after the code runs, this word appears in cell XFD1. Without breaking the code like i know i'll do, how can i add a clean up to the code to remove "Unique" after the code is done running? Thanks!
VBA Code:
Sub Split_to_Sheets()
Dim lr As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim vcol, i As Integer
Dim iCol As Long
Dim myarr As Variant
Dim title As String
Dim titlerow As Integer
Dim xTRg As Range
Dim xVRg As Range
Dim xWSTRg As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set xTRg = Application.InputBox("Please select the header rows:", "", Type:=8)
If TypeName(xTRg) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub
Set xVRg = Application.InputBox("Please select the column you want to split data based on:", "", Type:=8)
If TypeName(xVRg) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub
vcol = xVRg.Column
Set ws = xTRg.Worksheet
lr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, vcol).End(xlUp).Row
title = xTRg.AddressLocal
titlerow = xTRg.Cells(1).Row
iCol = ws.Columns.Count
ws.Cells(1, iCol) = "Unique"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If Not Evaluate("=ISREF('xTRgWs_Sheet!A1')") Then
Sheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "xTRgWs_Sheet"
Sheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "xTRgWs_Sheet"
End If
Set xWSTRg = Sheets("xTRgWs_Sheet")
xWSTRg.Paste Destination:=xWSTRg.Range("A1")
For i = (titlerow + xTRg.Rows.Count) To lr
On Error Resume Next
If ws.Cells(i, vcol) <> "" And Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ws.Cells(i, vcol), ws.Columns(iCol), 0) = 0 Then
ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, iCol).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = ws.Cells(i, vcol)
End If
myarr = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ws.Columns(iCol).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants))
For i = 2 To UBound(myarr)
ws.Range(title).AutoFilter Field:=vcol, Criteria1:=myarr(i) & ""
If Not Evaluate("=ISREF('" & myarr(i) & "'!A1)") Then
Sheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = myarr(i) & ""
Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Move After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
End If
Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Paste Destination:=Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Range("A1")
ws.Range("A" & (titlerow + xTRg.Rows.Count) & ":A" & lr).EntireRow.Copy Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Range("A" & (titlerow + xTRg.Rows.Count))
Sheets(myarr(i) & "").Columns.AutoFit
ws.AutoFilterMode = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub