Need help with access vba


Board Regular
Sep 12, 2011
i am getting error 'there is no current record', when running the code below.
Its getting stuck at - Lrs5.MoveFirst

Public Function data_AS()    Dim db As Database
    Dim Lrs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs1 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs2 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs3 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs4 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs5 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs6 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim Lrs7 As DAO.Recordset
    Dim LSQL As String
    Dim LGST As String
    Dim i As Integer, ii As Integer
    i = 1
    ii = 1
    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    LSQL = "Select * from [GE_Turbine_Details]"
    Set Lrs = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "Select * from [Competition Turbines]"
    Set Lrs1 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "Select * from [Wind Speed]"
    Set Lrs2 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "Select * from [PPA]"
    Set Lrs3 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "Select * from [K-Factor]"
    Set Lrs4 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "Select * from Project_Size"
'    Set Lrs5 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
'    LSQL = "Select * from Project_Constraint"
    Set Lrs5 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "Select * from Project_Cons"
    Set Lrs6 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    LSQL = "select * from shear_factor"
    Set Lrs7 = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL)
    DoCmd.RunSQL "delete from test1"
    If Lrs.EOF = False Then
        Do While Not Lrs1.EOF
            'MsgBox Lrs("GE Turbines")
            'Do While Not Lrs1.EOF
                'MsgBox Lrs1("GE Turbines")
                Do While Not Lrs2.EOF
                    'MsgBox Lrs2("GE Turbines")
                    Do Until Lrs3.EOF
                        Do Until Lrs4.EOF
                                Do Until Lrs5.EOF
                                        Do Until Lrs6.EOF
                                                Do Until Lrs7.EOF
                                                    Do Until Lrs.EOF
                                                    LSQL = "Insert into Test1 values('" & Lrs("GeTurbine") & "'"
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ,'" & Lrs1("Competitors turbines") & "'," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Price")), 0, Lrs("GE_Price")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation")), 0, Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_CE_Installation")), 0, Lrs("GE_CE_Installation")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_BPO")), 0, Lrs("GE_BPO")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost")), 0, Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_1")), 0, Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_1"))
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ,'" & Lrs("GeTurbine_2") & "'," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Price_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Price_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_CE_Installation_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_CE_Installation_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_BPO_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_BPO_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM_2")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_2")), 0, Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_2"))
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ,'" & Lrs("GeTurbine_3") & "'," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Price_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Price_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_CE_Installation_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_CE_Installation_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_BPO_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_BPO_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM_3")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_3")), 0, Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_3"))
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ,'" & Lrs("GeTurbine_4") & "'," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Price_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Price_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_TT_Transportation_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_CE_Installation_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_CE_Installation_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_BPO_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_BPO_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Other_Capital_Cost_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Escalation_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Year_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_FSA_Contract_Periond_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Planned_Unplanned_ONM_4")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_4")), 0, Lrs("GE_Hub_Height_4"))
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Price")), 0, Lrs1("Price")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("TT_Transportation")), 0, Lrs1("TT_Transportation")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("CE_Installation")), 0, Lrs1("CE_Installation")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("BPO")), 0, Lrs1("BPO")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Other_Capital_Cost")), 0, Lrs1("Other_Capital_Cost")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Planned_FSA_Escalation")), 0, Lrs1("Planned_FSA_Escalation")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Planned_FSA_Contract_Year")), 0, Lrs1("Planned_FSA_Contract_Year")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Planned_FSA_Contract_Period")), 0, Lrs1("Planned_FSA_Contract_Period")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Planned_Unplanned_ONM")), 0, Lrs1("Planned_Unplanned_ONM")) & "," & IIf(IsNull(Lrs1("Com_Hub_Height")), 0, Lrs1("Com_Hub_Height"))
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ," & Lrs2("Speed")
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ," & Lrs3("PPA")
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ," & Lrs4("K-Factor")
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ," & Lrs5("project_size")
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & " ,'" & Lrs6("project_constraint") & "'"
                                                    LSQL = LSQL & "," & Lrs7("Shear_Factor") & ");"
                                                    DoCmd.RunSQL LSQL
                                                    i = i + 1
                                                    ii = ii + 1
                                                    If ii > 2 Then
                                                        ii = 1
                                                    End If
                                            If i > 2 Then
                                                i = 1
                                            End If
    End If
    'MsgBox "Done"
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Function

Excel Facts

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1. You should not need to do this they way you did. There's no need for all these record sets. This is overkill.

2. What ARE you trying to do?
Upvote 0
I agree that most likely this is not how an experienced programmer would go about this and it will be difficult to debug it. That said, one obvious place to start is to see if there are any of your recordsets that have no records in them. After opening the recordsets insert a check:

	Dim checkForRecords As String
	If Lrs.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 0 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs1.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 1 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs2.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 2 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs3.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 3 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs4.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 4 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs5.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 5 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs6.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 6 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If Lrs7.EOF Then
		checkForRecords = "Recordset 7 returned now records." & vbnewline
	End If
	If checkForRecords <> "" Then
	    Msgbox checkForRecords
		Exit Sub
	End If
Upvote 0
If you are trying to count recordsets, build a query for each
then count it

select count("[field]") as RecCount from table

put them all in a macro. Zero code.
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