I'm playing with an idea of setting something up for a touch screen. However, I'm a bit of a beginner and require some assistance.
In the picture you can see a list of employees, and a couple buttons to the right. I'm trying to achieve a result that would work in the following way.
Should I do this with a macro? Or VBA? I've never worked with active selections causing an event before, so I got lost right in Step 1 with this project.. haha. Any help would be amazing.. I'm kinda stuck here. I'm also only focusing on deleting an employee right now. The add can be next. haha. But I should mention that each employee will have a worksheet linked to them. So for instance, when I click Robert, it will bring me into a sheet for just him. So when they get deleted, I'd like it to also delete Robert's personal information sheet as well, and so forth.
In the picture you can see a list of employees, and a couple buttons to the right. I'm trying to achieve a result that would work in the following way.
- Touch "Remove Employee" and have a popup window appear. "Please select the employee you want to remove." (Okay)
- Select the employee and have a popup window appear. "Are you sure you want to remove this employee?" (Yes/No)
- After employee is removed, I need everything to automatically move to the empty spot. So if I removed Roberto, James and everyone undernearth and to the right would move up. The employees are organized by seniority. From top left being the oldest, and bottom right being the newest. Going down in each row. Robert - Jesse, then Terry through Paul, etc. etc.
Should I do this with a macro? Or VBA? I've never worked with active selections causing an event before, so I got lost right in Step 1 with this project.. haha. Any help would be amazing.. I'm kinda stuck here. I'm also only focusing on deleting an employee right now. The add can be next. haha. But I should mention that each employee will have a worksheet linked to them. So for instance, when I click Robert, it will bring me into a sheet for just him. So when they get deleted, I'd like it to also delete Robert's personal information sheet as well, and so forth.

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