Hello, I'm new to the forums and although I've used excel for quite awhile, I've never actually had a reason or need to use macros for data import or manipulation. At the moment I'm trying to work on a modeling problem which will output the data in the form of a large text file. The data is divided up using 1000 energy bins, and 1000 timing bins for each tally (unique set of output data) like in this file https://www.dropbox.com/s/ig6u4mse44r66ll/ExampleData Unfortunately because of the applications for the data I can't reduce the number of bins, and the software being used for the modeling will not provide a more convenient form for the output file.
What I need is advice on how to create a macro that can extract this data from the output file and import it into a designated excel spreadsheet. It would be preferable to import each set of tally data from the initial output file into it's own spreadsheet, but as I said I have no experience using macros and I'm not even sure where to begin in making something that would work. Any help, advice, or even a basic source for examples would be greatly appreciated.
What I need is advice on how to create a macro that can extract this data from the output file and import it into a designated excel spreadsheet. It would be preferable to import each set of tally data from the initial output file into it's own spreadsheet, but as I said I have no experience using macros and I'm not even sure where to begin in making something that would work. Any help, advice, or even a basic source for examples would be greatly appreciated.