The formula in F3 should be =countif(A:A,E3) copy this down column F
For column G and H, there are a few ways you could do this. The easiest way is to concatenate columns A & C (ie. join the two entries together) in column D. (you can make the font white so you can't see it, or hide the column).
In D2 type =A2&C2. Copy this down.
Then in G3 type =COUNT(D:D,$E3&G$2). Copy this to H3 and then copy both of this down as far as you need.
I would use a pivot table for that. Put the date in the row field, the status in the column area, use count of records as the data and show totals for rows.
Hi Expiry,
Thanks for your suggestion, but once i concatenate date and Status i.e. =A2&C2 the date gets changed to some numbers "39989" hence it is not working.