Hi all, I have faced some difficulties in completing the vba code to create a unique list consisting of random picks each based on different criteria. I am new to vba and macro and would greatly appreciate any help.
To further explain what I require
I have a list of unique numbers that form the population in sSheet.Range("A1:A42")
13.01, 14.02, 14.03, 13.04, 12.06. 12.07, 11.08, 11.09, 4.11, 3.12, 9.13, 2.16, 1.17, 2.19, 7.2, 8.21, 8.22, 7.23, 7.24, 7.25, 6.26, 8.27, 10.28, 7.29, 10.3
Other than the required picks ( total = 9), the remainder of the population will be randomly rearranged.
I would have to repeat this picking process for multiple columns hence the vba coding. However, this excel workbook is currently a test and only consist of 1 column (column "A").
I have managed to achieve the picking process for each level, but I am unable to ensure that the picks are unique across the entire lists due to overlapping conditions.
Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated as I feel like I'm so close yet so far to completing it.
To further explain what I require
Level | Required Picks | Conditions >= | Conditions < |
WM | 1 | 13 | 15 |
SMC | 2 | 11 | 15 |
SS | 1 | 7 | 15 |
FMP | 1 | 5 | 9 |
R | 4 | 3 | 15 |
I have a list of unique numbers that form the population in sSheet.Range("A1:A42")
13.01, 14.02, 14.03, 13.04, 12.06. 12.07, 11.08, 11.09, 4.11, 3.12, 9.13, 2.16, 1.17, 2.19, 7.2, 8.21, 8.22, 7.23, 7.24, 7.25, 6.26, 8.27, 10.28, 7.29, 10.3
Other than the required picks ( total = 9), the remainder of the population will be randomly rearranged.
I would have to repeat this picking process for multiple columns hence the vba coding. However, this excel workbook is currently a test and only consist of 1 column (column "A").
I have managed to achieve the picking process for each level, but I am unable to ensure that the picks are unique across the entire lists due to overlapping conditions.
Any advise or help would be greatly appreciated as I feel like I'm so close yet so far to completing it.
VBA Code:
Sub macro()
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rRng As Range
Dim rangelist As String
Dim entryCount As Long
Dim totalnum As Long
Dim sSheet As Worksheet
Dim EndRow As Long
Set sSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TrlAvailC$")
EndRow = sSheet.Range("A1:A42").Find("").Row - 1
Set rRng = sSheet.Range("A1:A" & EndRow)
Dim CntWM As Long
Dim WMmin As Long
Dim WMmax As Long
Dim CntSMC As Long
Dim SMCmin As Long
Dim SMCmax As Long
Dim CntFMP As Long
Dim FMPmin As Long
Dim FMPmax As Long
Dim CntSS As Long
Dim SSmin As Long
Dim SSmax As Long
Dim CntR As Long
Dim Rmin As Long
Dim Rmax As Long
'Set total number of results to return
totalnum = EndRow
'Set minimum quantity of each level returned in results
CntWM = 1
CntSMC = 2
CntSS = 1
CntFMP = 1
CntR = 4
'Set min and max salary ranges to return for each Level
WMmin = 13
WMmax = 15
SMCmin = 11
SMCmax = 15
SSmin = 7
SSmax = 15
FMPmin = 5
FMPmax = 9
Rmin = 3
Rmax = 15
'Get total number of entries
entryCount = rRng.Count
'Randomly get first required Level entries
'Return list of rows for each Level
WMList = PickRandomItemsFromList(CntWM, entryCount, WMmin, WMmax)
SMCList = PickRandomItemsFromList(CntSMC, entryCount, SMCmin, SMCmax)
SSList = PickRandomItemsFromList(CntSS, entryCount, SSmin, SSmax)
FMPList = PickRandomItemsFromList(CntFMP, entryCount, FMPmin, FMPmax)
RList = PickRandomItemsFromList(CntR, entryCount, Rmin, Rmax)
For Each i In WMList
If rangelist = "" Then
rangelist = "A" & i
rangelist = rangelist & "," & "A" & i
End If
Next i
For Each i In SMCList
If rangelist = "" Then
rangelist = "A" & i
rangelist = rangelist & "," & "A" & i
End If
Next i
For Each i In SSList
If rangelist = "" Then
rangelist = "A" & i
rangelist = rangelist & "," & "A" & i
End If
Next i
For Each i In FMPList
If rangelist = "" Then
rangelist = "A" & i
rangelist = rangelist & "," & "A" & i
End If
Next i
For Each i In RList
If rangelist = "" Then
rangelist = "A" & i
rangelist = rangelist & "," & "A" & i
End If
Next i
'Print the rows that match criteria
Dim rCntr As Long
rCntr = 1
Dim nRng As Range
Set nRng = Range(rangelist)
For Each j In nRng
'paste third column
Range(j, j.Offset(0, 2)).Select
'copy dest
Range("E" & rCntr).Select
rCntr = rCntr + 1
Next j
'Get rest of rows randomly and print
LevelList = PickRandomItemsFromListB(totalnum - rCntr + 1, entryCount, rangelist)
For Each k In LevelList
Set Rng = Range("A" & k)
Range(Rng, Rng.Offset(0, 2)).Select
Range("E" & rCntr).Select
rCntr = rCntr + 1
Next k
End Sub
Function PickRandomItemsFromListB(nItemsToPick As Long, nItemsTotal As Long, avoidRng As String)
Dim rngList As Range
Dim idx() As Long
Dim varRandomItems() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim booIndexIsUnique As Boolean
Set rngList = Range("A1").Resize(nItemsTotal, 1)
ReDim idx(1 To nItemsToPick)
ReDim varRandomItems(1 To nItemsToPick)
For i = 1 To nItemsToPick
booIndexIsUnique = True ' Innoncent until proven guilty
idx(i) = Int(nItemsTotal * Rnd + 1)
For j = 1 To i - 1
If idx(i) = idx(j) Then
' It's already there.
booIndexIsUnique = False
Exit For
End If
Next j
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Range("A" & idx(i)), Range(avoidRng))
If booIndexIsUnique = True And isect Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
varRandomItems(i) = idx(i)
Next i
PickRandomItemsFromListB = varRandomItems
' varRandomItems now contains nItemsToPick unique random
' items from range rngList.
End Function
Function PickRandomItemsFromList(nItemsToPick As Long, nItemsTotal As Long, Levelmin As Long, Levelmax As Long)
Dim rngList As Range
Dim idx() As Long
Dim varRandomItems() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim booIndexIsUnique As Boolean
Set rngList = Range("A1").Resize(nItemsTotal, 1)
ReDim idx(1 To nItemsToPick)
ReDim varRandomItems(1 To nItemsToPick)
For i = 1 To nItemsToPick
booIndexIsUnique = True ' Innoncent until proven guilty
idx(i) = Int(nItemsTotal * Rnd + 1)
For j = 1 To i - 1
If idx(i) = idx(j) Then
' It's already there.
booIndexIsUnique = False
Exit For
End If
Next j
If booIndexIsUnique = True And Range("A" & idx(i)).Value >= Levelmin And Range("A" & idx(i)).Value < Levelmax Then
Exit Do
End If
varRandomItems(i) = idx(i)
Next i
PickRandomItemsFromList = varRandomItems
End Function