I would like to be able to toggle back and forth between 2 currencies - AUD & USD - with a conversion rate that our finance dep uses (example 0.72 right now)
My spreadsheet (attached, dropbox link) is going to be full of Project costs for years, current actuals, monthly forecasts, summations, etc. All the options I've investigated to make this happen aren't possible as you would have to apply the functions like VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH to each cell or create new columns. Same with the IF function and drop-down list.
There's only 2 currencies but it would be too much having 2 columns (AUD & USD) for every month/column as it's already cluttered enough. I would just like to not change the format of the information displayed and toggle to be able to change all values on the sheet between the two currencies within the same cell, not to double the amount of columns. Also at the end of each month, projects update me with their new forecast figures so I just copy and paste these new figures over the current ones - which is why applying a lookup formula within each cell would be too cumbersome.
Hoping someone has already written a macro like this that they would be interested in sharing with me!!
Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kl8rvtq8hcqvc9v/Forecast Spreadsheet.xlsx?dl=0
Thanks in advance
My spreadsheet (attached, dropbox link) is going to be full of Project costs for years, current actuals, monthly forecasts, summations, etc. All the options I've investigated to make this happen aren't possible as you would have to apply the functions like VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH to each cell or create new columns. Same with the IF function and drop-down list.
There's only 2 currencies but it would be too much having 2 columns (AUD & USD) for every month/column as it's already cluttered enough. I would just like to not change the format of the information displayed and toggle to be able to change all values on the sheet between the two currencies within the same cell, not to double the amount of columns. Also at the end of each month, projects update me with their new forecast figures so I just copy and paste these new figures over the current ones - which is why applying a lookup formula within each cell would be too cumbersome.
Hoping someone has already written a macro like this that they would be interested in sharing with me!!
Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kl8rvtq8hcqvc9v/Forecast Spreadsheet.xlsx?dl=0
Thanks in advance