Need a formula to calculate Monthly amount if every couple of months Amt is increased


New Member
May 15, 2018
Hopefully this is as easy as the title makes it seem:

I have the below data:

[TABLE="width: 256"]
[TD="width: 101, bgcolor: transparent"]Month
[TD="width: 104, bgcolor: transparent"]Month Number
[TD="width: 136, bgcolor: transparent"]Total Cost
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]71,250.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]71,250.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]41,250.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]41,250.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]16,988.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]13,904.21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Oct-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3,089.82
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Aug-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]7,506.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]78,750.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]78,750.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]30,000.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]30,000.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Oct-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8,269.17
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Oct-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8,269.17
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]16,433.69
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]35,444.25
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]16,210.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]26,746.78
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]76,301.25
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]71,250.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]53,166.38
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]40,120.16
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]24,650.54
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]24,650.54
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Total
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]885,500.59

[TABLE="width: 304"]
[TD="width: 101, bgcolor: transparent"]Starting Month
[TD="width: 104, bgcolor: transparent"]Month Number
[TD="width: 136, bgcolor: transparent"]Total Cost to start in:
[TD="width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"]NETWORKING DAYS
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]March
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]3
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]746,543.06
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]218
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]June
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]6
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]111,823.04
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]152
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]August
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]8
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]7,506.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]109
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]October
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]10
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]19,628.16
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]66
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Total
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]885,500.59
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]

I need to do the below calculations:

[TABLE="width: 739"]
[TD="width: 339, bgcolor: transparent"]Calculation:
[TD="width: 116, bgcolor: transparent"]Month
[TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"]NetWorking Days_19
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent"]Monthly Cost
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent"]Monthly Cost
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent"]Monthly Cost
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent"]Monthly Cost
[TD="width: 122, bgcolor: transparent"]Total Montly Cost 2019
[TD="width: 339, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 116, bgcolor: transparent"]Start in Month
[TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Aug-19
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Oct-19
[TD="width: 122, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 339, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 116, bgcolor: transparent"]Total Cost for the Year
[TD="width: 82, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]746,543.06
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]111,823.04
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]7,506.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]19,628.16
[TD="width: 122, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]NET WORKING DAYS
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]261
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]218
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]152.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]109.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]66.00
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]0
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jan-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]-
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]0
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Feb-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]20
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]-
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]71,914.70
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]71,914.70
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Apr-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]22
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]75,339.21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]75,339.21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]May-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]78,763.72
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]78,763.72
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]20
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]68,490.19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]14,713.56
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]83,203.75
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jul-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]78,763.72
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]16,920.59
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]95,684.31
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)+(7/109)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Aug-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]22
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]75,339.21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]16,184.91
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]1,515.04
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]93,039.16
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)+(7/109)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Sep-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]71,914.70
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]15,449.24
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]1,446.17
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]88,810.11
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)+(7/109)+(19/66)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Oct-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]78,763.72
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]16,920.59
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]1,583.91
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]6,840.12
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]104,108.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)+(7/109)+(19/66)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Nov-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]71,914.70
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]15,449.24
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]1,446.17
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]6,245.32
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]95,055.43
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"](746/218)+(111/152)+(7/109)+(19/66)*NWD in Month
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Dec-19
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]22
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]75,339.21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]16,184.91
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]1,515.04
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]6,542.72
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]99,581.88
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]746,543.06
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]111,823.04
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]7,506.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]19,628.16
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]885,500.59
To get the result in the below format:

[TABLE="width: 814"]
[TD="width: 130, bgcolor: transparent"]Month 2019
[TD="width: 46, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jan-19
[TD="width: 49, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Feb-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Mar-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Apr-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]May-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jun-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Jul-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Aug-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Sep-19
[TD="width: 77, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Oct-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Nov-19
[TD="width: 70, bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]Dec-19
[TD="width: 64, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 81, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 130, bgcolor: transparent"]NETWORKING DAYS
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]20
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]22
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]20
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]22
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]23
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent, align: right"]22
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]Check
[TD="width: 130, bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="width: 130, bgcolor: transparent"]Total Cost
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]-
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]-
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]71,914.70
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]75,339.21
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]78,763.72
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]83,203.75
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]95,684.31
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]93,039.16
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]88,810.11
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]104,108.33
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]95,055.43
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]99,581.88
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"]885,500.59

[TD="width: 130, bgcolor: transparent"]Thank you to anyone who can and tries to help
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
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[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: transparent"][/TD]
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Hi Kiriko,

Maybe you could use this, note that my figures reflect only the first table of data, but it looks like it achieves the right format?

Copy the formulas across your table, note that the SUM($B$29:B$29) formula expands to add each Months Costs as it goes across. Also the Dates in the Months row are the 1st of each month just formatted as "mmm-yy".

You could also 2019 Public Holidays in the [Holidays]criteria in =NETWORKDAYS(B$30,EOMONTH(B$30,0),[holidays]) as a range.

1MonthMonth NumberTotal Cost

27NETWORK MONTH232021222320232221232122
28NETWORK YR26123821819717515213210987664322
29Monthly Costs 71,914.7014,713.561,515.046,840.12
31Total Costs 71,914.7071,914.7071,914.7086,628.2686,628.2688,143.3088,143.3094,983.4294,983.4294,983.42850,237.46
Cell Formulas
Upvote 0
Thanks RasGhul, your suggestion was easy to follow, however, I still need to calculate by the Networking Days per month. Is there a way to get excel to recognize when there is change to the monthly cost and then do the divisions by Network yr and add that to the original monthly total amount.....
Upvote 0
Ok so my formula is doing the following for the March figure;

NetworkDays(MARCH(21))*SUMIFS(March Total Cost(746,543.08))/NetworkDays(MARCH-DECEMBER 31ST(218))=71,914.70

Is this syntax correct?
Upvote 0
Yes, it works for the months that are the starting month, but the months in between become the problem. I'm sorry I don't really speak excel language and I struggle to put thoughts into comprehensive sentences (see title of thread as example). I want a formula to work out that from march till dec it's 746,543.08/218 and multiply that by Networking days in each month to get the monthly total. But then in June, it somehow should pick up that it should be (746,543.08/218 + 111,823.04/152) and multiply it by net working days for each month.

I tried to use IF: If current month is greater than previous month, return current month (SUMPRODUCT for anything equal to or greater than the date which should give for e.g 746,543.08 in March), if it's less return the difference. But then I couldn't figure out how to keep the previous months result and add it with the difference (Note the difference has to be divided by a different total of Networking days for the year....) anyway, I accidently deleted the data so I can't show my work and I can't recreate it......
Upvote 0
Got it with good ol' IF,

Copy each of the formulas across, except for the last sum formula which is just the "Check" total;

Here is the link to my mock up if you needed a copy of the data;

28NETWORK MONTH232021222320232221232122
29NETWORK YR26123821819717515213210987664322
30Monthly Costs 746,543.08111,823.057,506.3319,628.16
31 3,424.513,424.513,424.514,160.194,160.194,229.054,229.054,526.454,526.454,526.45Check
32Total Cost 71,914.7075,339.2178,763.7283,203.7595,684.3193,039.1688,810.11104,108.3395,055.4399,581.88885,500.62
Cell Formulas
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