Below is some code I'm trying to use that will name cell in col C based on cell value in col B. However, when I run this macro the named range is only working in 1 worksheet.
To give a little background, I've got a workbook with several sheets for each company. On each sheet col B contains the section (e.g. abc_1_1) and col C contains the amount that pertains to that section. The sections are in sequence and appear on each sheet.
Is it possible to have the same named range on multiple sheets within a workbook?
Here is my code:
Any help would be greatly appreciated! 
Below is some code I'm trying to use that will name cell in col C based on cell value in col B. However, when I run this macro the named range is only working in 1 worksheet.
To give a little background, I've got a workbook with several sheets for each company. On each sheet col B contains the section (e.g. abc_1_1) and col C contains the amount that pertains to that section. The sections are in sequence and appear on each sheet.
Is it possible to have the same named range on multiple sheets within a workbook?
Here is my code:
Dim ddasheet As Worksheet
Dim lastA As Long
lastA = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For Each ddasheet In Worksheets
Range("B2:C" & lastA).CreateNames Left:=True
Next ddasheet