This is a bummer. I have this macro that I wrote based on some (possibly flawed) research. The purpose is to archive my spreadsheet in the background. That seems simple enough. The problem I'm having is after it runs some of the hyperlink paths on both my open sheet and the saved archive copy are altered in a very ugly fashion.
This > GVS_Grandview_Estates_South_7581\GVS_048\GVS_048_plot_plan.pdf
Becomes this > ..\..\GVS_Grandview_Estates_South_7581\GVS_048\GVS_048_plot_plan.pdf
Here's the really strange part. All the links in the first 540 or so rows are fine, and some of the links below 540 are fine (usually if the cell with the link has a value in the cell to the right of it, but not always).
Is my macro possessed?
Here's the code:
This > GVS_Grandview_Estates_South_7581\GVS_048\GVS_048_plot_plan.pdf
Becomes this > ..\..\GVS_Grandview_Estates_South_7581\GVS_048\GVS_048_plot_plan.pdf
Here's the really strange part. All the links in the first 540 or so rows are fine, and some of the links below 540 are fine (usually if the cell with the link has a value in the cell to the right of it, but not always).
Is my macro possessed?
Here's the code:
VBA Code:
Sub SaveWorkbook()
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim rootDirectory As String
Dim folderToBeCreated As String
Dim path As String
rootDirectory = "\\GLC-SERVER\Pulte\Z_Pulte Master Archive\"
folderToBeCreated = Format(Now, "yyyy")
path = rootDirectory & folderToBeCreated
If Len(Dir(rootDirectory, vbDirectory)) <> 0 Then
If Len(Dir(path, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
VBA.MkDir (path)
End If
End If
ChDrive "Z"
ChDir "\\GLC-SERVER\Pulte\Z_Pulte Master Archive\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs FileName:="\\GLC-SERVER\Pulte\Z_Pulte Master Archive\" & year(Date) & "\" & "Pulte Master " & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") & ".xlsm"
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub