Hi All
I have 15 text boxes in my userform that i want to multiply by a corresponding text box and total in one text box
Example quantity is one text box (textbox37) and cost is the other textbox (textbox52) i want to multiply them two together but need to do this for all textboxes to get a total, i have tried the following, and belieiving thats the way to do it, it keeps returning an error, its early and maybe my brain hasnt woke up yet but waht am i missing? or what have i done wrong here?
Help is always appreciated
I have 15 text boxes in my userform that i want to multiply by a corresponding text box and total in one text box
Example quantity is one text box (textbox37) and cost is the other textbox (textbox52) i want to multiply them two together but need to do this for all textboxes to get a total, i have tried the following, and belieiving thats the way to do it, it keeps returning an error, its early and maybe my brain hasnt woke up yet but waht am i missing? or what have i done wrong here?
TextBox63.Value = Format((TextBox48.Value * TextBox33.Value) + (TextBox49.Value * TextBox34.Value) + (TextBox50.Value * TextBox35.Value) + (TextBox51.Value * TextBox36.Value) + (TextBox52.Value * TextBox37.Value) + (TextBox53.Value * TextBox38.Value) + (TextBox54.Value * TextBox39.Value) + (TextBox55.Value * TextBox40.Value) + (TextBox56.Value * TextBox41.Value) + (TextBox57.Value * TextBox42.Value) + (TextBox58.Value * TextBox43.Value) + (TextBox59.Value * TextBox44.Value) + (TextBox60.Value * TextBox45.Value) + (TextBox61.Value * TextBox46.Value) + (TextBox62.Value * TextBox47.Value), "£###,###,##0.00")
Help is always appreciated