I was able to return multiple values into one cell; however, I am trying to figure out how to change my delimiter from"," to Char(10):
Thank you
I was able to return multiple values into one cell; however, I am trying to figure out how to change my delimiter from"," to Char(10):
For i = 0 To DEPListBox.ListCount - 1 If DEPListBox.Selected(i) Then 'If selected is True
strTemp = strTemp & DEPListBox.List(i) & "," 'Edit ", " to required separators
End If
Next i
If Len(strTemp) > 2 Then 'The variable will always be greater than 2 if any selections in the listbox
strTemp = Left(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - 2) 'remove last comma and space (Edit 2 to length of separators)
End If
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TST_SHEET").Cells(dcc + 1, 10).Value = strTemp
Thank you