Is it possible to create a MSQuery to LEFT Join multiple tables? I keep getting a message that it can only do it on two tables. I can do it easily in MSAccess. Can I write it in SQL?
I have one table with Project#'s. Another table has Project#'s and Dept. Another table has Project#'s and Organization and another has Project#'s and Budget Centers.
I want all Project#'s from the first table to be retrieved and any related data from the other tables to be retrieved joined by Project#.
In Access, the SQL is:
SELECT NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id, PROJORG.Organization, [PROJBAC-all proj top].BAC, [PROJCUST-all proj, top lvl].[Cust Name]
FROM ((NewUnbilledProjIdX LEFT JOIN PROJORG ON NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id = PROJORG.Project) LEFT JOIN [PROJBAC-all proj top] ON NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id = [PROJBAC-all proj top].Project) LEFT JOIN [PROJCUST-all proj, top lvl] ON NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id = [PROJCUST-all proj, top lvl].Project;
Can this be converted so it can be run in MSQuery?
I have one table with Project#'s. Another table has Project#'s and Dept. Another table has Project#'s and Organization and another has Project#'s and Budget Centers.
I want all Project#'s from the first table to be retrieved and any related data from the other tables to be retrieved joined by Project#.
In Access, the SQL is:
SELECT NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id, PROJORG.Organization, [PROJBAC-all proj top].BAC, [PROJCUST-all proj, top lvl].[Cust Name]
FROM ((NewUnbilledProjIdX LEFT JOIN PROJORG ON NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id = PROJORG.Project) LEFT JOIN [PROJBAC-all proj top] ON NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id = [PROJBAC-all proj top].Project) LEFT JOIN [PROJCUST-all proj, top lvl] ON NewUnbilledProjIdX.Proj_Id = [PROJCUST-all proj, top lvl].Project;
Can this be converted so it can be run in MSQuery?