I am new to MrExcel, but have gotten ALL my issues resolved simply by searching threads, however this one !@#
*This has been migrated from EXCEL to MSO ACCESS 2010
I have a database that uses the days of the week for its field names. Each row has similar data. Row 1 has the same data as Row 2 with one exception.
Row 1 is based on original commitment and Row 2 is based on incurred. I have two field names: YTD_Commitment_Incurred and Remaining_Commitment_ETC
YTD_Commitment_Incurred ='SUMPRODUCT((T2:NT2)*($T$1:$NT$1<TODAY()))'
Remaining_Commitment_ETC ='SUMPRODUCT((T2:NT2)*($T$1:$NT$1>=TODAY()))'
I am required to perform the same SUMPRODUCT VAlue in these fields for each row in my table
The test file: TA2013_PR_TrackingDB.accdb (too large for upload)
You guys/gals are great... experts and I lean to your wisdom on this. Thanks!
*This has been migrated from EXCEL to MSO ACCESS 2010
I have a database that uses the days of the week for its field names. Each row has similar data. Row 1 has the same data as Row 2 with one exception.
Row 1 is based on original commitment and Row 2 is based on incurred. I have two field names: YTD_Commitment_Incurred and Remaining_Commitment_ETC
YTD_Commitment_Incurred ='SUMPRODUCT((T2:NT2)*($T$1:$NT$1<TODAY()))'
Remaining_Commitment_ETC ='SUMPRODUCT((T2:NT2)*($T$1:$NT$1>=TODAY()))'
I am required to perform the same SUMPRODUCT VAlue in these fields for each row in my table
The test file: TA2013_PR_TrackingDB.accdb (too large for upload)
You guys/gals are great... experts and I lean to your wisdom on this. Thanks!