This works for converting elements in an array to uppercase.
Is there a way to do this for making the elements bold?
Doesn't seem so as it'd have to read something like,
ary = selection.characters.font.bold = true
Just wondering. Trying to learn VBA one function at a time.
Private Sub CommandButton89_Click()
Dim ary() As String
For Each c In Selection.Characters
N = N + 1
ReDim Preserve ary(N)
ary = ucase(selection.characters)
Next c
Selection.TypeText Text:=Join(ary, "")
End Sub
What I ultimately have in view is to display the array to replace text in a msgbox as a preview
before replacing the text in a document with it. Then I can get an idea of how it looks.
Something like that might be useful with some work.
Is there a way to do this for making the elements bold?
Doesn't seem so as it'd have to read something like,
ary = selection.characters.font.bold = true
Just wondering. Trying to learn VBA one function at a time.
Private Sub CommandButton89_Click()
Dim ary() As String
For Each c In Selection.Characters
N = N + 1
ReDim Preserve ary(N)
ary = ucase(selection.characters)
Next c
Selection.TypeText Text:=Join(ary, "")
End Sub
What I ultimately have in view is to display the array to replace text in a msgbox as a preview
before replacing the text in a document with it. Then I can get an idea of how it looks.
Something like that might be useful with some work.