In Excel 2007, a theme is comprised of fonts, colors, and effects. Episode 530 helps to decode the information in the effects thumbnails.
This blog is the video netcast companion to the new book, Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the tips from the book!
This blog is the video netcast companion to the new book, Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the tips from the book!

Transcript of the video:
Welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
Yesterday, we started to talk about themes in office 2007, and a theme is comprised of colors, fonts and effects. And I want to give you a quick overview of how the effects work.
I have some shapes here in my document. I'm learning to go to the Drawing tools, Format tab or you'll see a palette of all the different built in formats.
And basically, Microsoft classifies these formats as simple those are the ones in the top row.
The ones in the center are moderate, and the ones at the bottom are intense.
And we'll go to the Page Layout tab and open the Effects drop down.
You'll see that there's three shapes in every thumbnail, there's a circle, there's an arrow and then a rectangle.
And basically, how this works is, the circle kind of gives you an idea of what effect is used for the simple themes, the ones in the first row The arrow gives you an idea of what effect is used for the moderate themes, the ones in the middle.
And the rectangle gives you an idea of what's used for the intense theme.
So, I have three different ovals here. This is simple, moderate and intense.
And you'll see as I roll over the various themes, how the effects will change for the moderate and intense styles.
And it does actually kind of make sense. Like up here at the Civic theme, it has a dotted line for the simple styles.
And you'll see that that top oval turns to a dotted line.
Here this foundry theme has a very thick line for the simple styles, the Paper theme has a texture behind the intense styles.
And so you can kind of get an idea of exactly how, the different effects are going to be applied, as you look through the thumbnails in the Effects drop down.
Now, next time we're going to talk about building a custom theme in Excel.
And unfortunately, you're going to have to choose from one of the 20 built-in Effects themes in order to build that custom theme.
We'll talk about that next time.
Thanks for stopping by.
Will see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
I'm Bill Jelen.
Yesterday, we started to talk about themes in office 2007, and a theme is comprised of colors, fonts and effects. And I want to give you a quick overview of how the effects work.
I have some shapes here in my document. I'm learning to go to the Drawing tools, Format tab or you'll see a palette of all the different built in formats.
And basically, Microsoft classifies these formats as simple those are the ones in the top row.
The ones in the center are moderate, and the ones at the bottom are intense.
And we'll go to the Page Layout tab and open the Effects drop down.
You'll see that there's three shapes in every thumbnail, there's a circle, there's an arrow and then a rectangle.
And basically, how this works is, the circle kind of gives you an idea of what effect is used for the simple themes, the ones in the first row The arrow gives you an idea of what effect is used for the moderate themes, the ones in the middle.
And the rectangle gives you an idea of what's used for the intense theme.
So, I have three different ovals here. This is simple, moderate and intense.
And you'll see as I roll over the various themes, how the effects will change for the moderate and intense styles.
And it does actually kind of make sense. Like up here at the Civic theme, it has a dotted line for the simple styles.
And you'll see that that top oval turns to a dotted line.
Here this foundry theme has a very thick line for the simple styles, the Paper theme has a texture behind the intense styles.
And so you can kind of get an idea of exactly how, the different effects are going to be applied, as you look through the thumbnails in the Effects drop down.
Now, next time we're going to talk about building a custom theme in Excel.
And unfortunately, you're going to have to choose from one of the 20 built-in Effects themes in order to build that custom theme.
We'll talk about that next time.
Thanks for stopping by.
Will see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.