Six accent colors x 7 options x 20 themes x your imagination leads to thousands of different formats that you can apply to a table with a single click. Episode 425 shows you how.
This blog is the video netcast companion to the upcoming book, Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy. Download a new two minute video every Tuesday and Thursday to learn one of the tips from the book!
This blog is the video netcast companion to the upcoming book, Excel 2007 Miracles Made Easy. Download a new two minute video every Tuesday and Thursday to learn one of the tips from the book!
Transcript of the video:
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast, I'm Bill Jelen.
Well, we have 12 days to go until January 30th 2007, when the new version, Excel 2007, hits store shelves.
We were talking about table functionality recently and I want to talk about some of the Table Formatting options.
When we chose the Table Formatting and chose the GreenBar, we had basically 6 different accent colors to choose from.
That's the 6 accent colors in the Office Theme.
If you go to the Page Layout ribbon, there is a drop down with 20 different built-in Themes.
And so, as you choose the 20 different built-in themes and you can get new color schemes, each color scheme has a different set of 6 accent colors.
So you can choose a different color scheme and give your document a completely new look.
Now when I select a cell and go out to the Table Styles, you'll see that we have different accent colors instead of the original accent colors.
Sometimes though, these Table Styles aren't enough, you want to create a new Table Style.
What you can do, is right click one of the existing Table Styles and choose Duplicate.
This will create a brand new Table Quick Style, I'm going to call mine GreenBarDoubleHeight and basically, now I can customize every element in the table.
So for First Row Stripe, I'm going to choose a height of 2, for Second Row Stripe I want to choose a height of 2, click OK, that adds the new style on my gallery.
I still have to go back and select it from the list, it shows up at the top now in the Custom Styles, click OK and I've created GreenBar Styles that are double high.
If I'm convinced that this is the format that I want to use all the time, right click and say Set As Default, and then all the new tables that I ever create will be using this accent color with a double high GreenBar.
Lots of functionality that you can do there to create your own Table Styles beyond the 40 or so, that are built-in, combined with the 20 years.
So themes that are built-in, you can actually create your own styles with various heights of rows, columns, whatever you need to do.
Great functionality for being able to format tables, make the numbers look very good with just a couple of clicks.
Hey, thanks for stopping by, we'll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
Well, we have 12 days to go until January 30th 2007, when the new version, Excel 2007, hits store shelves.
We were talking about table functionality recently and I want to talk about some of the Table Formatting options.
When we chose the Table Formatting and chose the GreenBar, we had basically 6 different accent colors to choose from.
That's the 6 accent colors in the Office Theme.
If you go to the Page Layout ribbon, there is a drop down with 20 different built-in Themes.
And so, as you choose the 20 different built-in themes and you can get new color schemes, each color scheme has a different set of 6 accent colors.
So you can choose a different color scheme and give your document a completely new look.
Now when I select a cell and go out to the Table Styles, you'll see that we have different accent colors instead of the original accent colors.
Sometimes though, these Table Styles aren't enough, you want to create a new Table Style.
What you can do, is right click one of the existing Table Styles and choose Duplicate.
This will create a brand new Table Quick Style, I'm going to call mine GreenBarDoubleHeight and basically, now I can customize every element in the table.
So for First Row Stripe, I'm going to choose a height of 2, for Second Row Stripe I want to choose a height of 2, click OK, that adds the new style on my gallery.
I still have to go back and select it from the list, it shows up at the top now in the Custom Styles, click OK and I've created GreenBar Styles that are double high.
If I'm convinced that this is the format that I want to use all the time, right click and say Set As Default, and then all the new tables that I ever create will be using this accent color with a double high GreenBar.
Lots of functionality that you can do there to create your own Table Styles beyond the 40 or so, that are built-in, combined with the 20 years.
So themes that are built-in, you can actually create your own styles with various heights of rows, columns, whatever you need to do.
Great functionality for being able to format tables, make the numbers look very good with just a couple of clicks.
Hey, thanks for stopping by, we'll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.