Bill has been writing for 4 months. What has he been writing about? Excel 2013 Of Course. So instead of following the standard marketing techniques, Bill departs the norm to show you what HE has found and tells you how you can see it LIVE yourself - today! Just by visiting
Today, in Episode #1620, Bill reveals the first of his 12 best, "Under-The-Radar" features in Excel 2013: Slicers on a regular Worksheet. Also, a look at the Color Schemes and Backgrounds.
***Special Note To Viewers***
And if you want to get a look for yourself, for a *Limited Time*, try out Office 2013 Home Premium! Visit Click the 'Excel logo' at the bottom, then Office 365 Home Premium on the right, then 'Try It' to download a trial for up to five PC's!
Get started today!
Today, in Episode #1620, Bill reveals the first of his 12 best, "Under-The-Radar" features in Excel 2013: Slicers on a regular Worksheet. Also, a look at the Color Schemes and Backgrounds.
***Special Note To Viewers***
And if you want to get a look for yourself, for a *Limited Time*, try out Office 2013 Home Premium! Visit Click the 'Excel logo' at the bottom, then Office 365 Home Premium on the right, then 'Try It' to download a trial for up to five PC's!
Get started today!

Transcript of the video:
MrExcel podcast is sponsored by Easy-XL.
Learn Excel form MrExcel podcast, episode 1620.
Try Excel 2013.
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
Well, I've actually been gone for four months.
All the podcasts that we did up to the Model Off were recorded back in July and where have I been.
I've been writing books. I've been right updating a lot of books for Excel 2013.
22 hundred pages of content and eight hours of video and this book and this book were sent off, this book was after the printer yesterday this book sent off today.
So, they're coming along all right and the thing that's fascinating with me is Microsoft marketing you know, I'm not sure exactly how this happens the Excel team will sit down with them and say hey, here's all the cool stuff we added and then marketing chooses what they're going to show. Right?
So, if you've seen any demos from Microsoft, they're talking about flash fill and quick analysis, these aren't the good things.
Well, I don't know if you're new to Excel, yeah they're good here's the things that are really going to make a difference in your life.
All right! So, I want to take the next few episodes and go over the things that are really going to make a difference in your life, not the glitzy.
I mean nothing wrong with these, but these are the ones that as I was going through and updating the books.
Those are the ones that are really going to matter.
All right! Now, if you work for a big company, there's a good chance your IT department already has a copy of Excel 2013, but if you don't work for a big company, no worries here is a URL you can try it out for free.
It's a little bit complicated.
So, I'm actually going to walk through it go to that URL and I've got a video here, skip the video actually you're on live video come down here to click the Excel logo, right hand side under Try it, Office 365 Home Premium, this is the good one this will get you five computers that can try office 2013 and I'll all share settings and everything.
So now, we're here at Home Premium, they'll tell you all about it click the try it button, you need Windows 7 or Windows 8 by the way.
In order to use this, choose your country.
I'm in the United States and then you'll either sign in or register.
If you already have Microsoft account sign in, otherwise you'll want to sign up now.
I'll take a minute and then they'll start to download and you'll get five PC's that you can download this too.
So, you know, I mean the theory is your work laptop, your home PC, your kids PC, everyone can try it out.
All right, today we're going to start off with slicers on a, not a Pivot Table just a regular old data set.
So here's a regular old data set and I'm going to convert this to a table with control+T.
Yes my table has headers, and now new on the Table, Tools, Design tab, we have Insert Slicer.
This is cool.
So, I'm gonna insert a slicer let's say for region Product and Customer and it's a very familiar experience.
So, familiar it's just as annoying as the Pivot Tables.
So they put everything in the center of the screen on top of your data, so a little bit of fix up here, right?
So, we come to Slicer, Tools, Options, make this be three columns and change the color.
I'll make this one be wider and not as tall and then Product that can be three columns as well and then Customer, your customer is one of those big long lists, you want to make that one as tall as possible, change the color on customer.
All right! So that's very easy to filter this data.
If only one see product ABC, click that and they hide the rows.
I only want to see the East region, click that they'll hide the rows.
I only want to see Walmart, East region you see these are grayed out because there were no combinations of those just click Walmart and now we have Walmart, east, ABC you know, the other trick this isn't new at Excel 2013, but you should know this one click the AutoSum button here and see they give us the SUBTOTAL function.
So, that gives us ad hoc totals that means if I change from ABC to DEF, those totals will automatically update.
All right, Slicers great little feature in Excel 2010, Pivot Tables.
Well, Now they've been extended to Excel 2013 tables.
All right, now that's one of my top 12 features next one is not, but I'm going to talk about it anyway.
Someone commented yesterday on the white background on just how starkly white this is we can switch to light gray, let's take a look what that looks like.
So that's the light gray and also File, Account, we can switch to dark gray, none of these are as dark as the black scheme in Excel 2010, but if you hate the white, well at least you have this.
I actually found once I looked at all 3 of them well, yeah okay the white is not that bad.
So, File, Account, I'm going to go with white in the podcast.
I do have an Excel 2013 laptop and I have the surface and frankly with the touchscreen the white just looks better, which I'm guess is my way of saying that the fingerprints don't show up.
The other interesting thing is they have all these backgrounds, which only appear up here in the top right-hand corner right there that's the only place they appear the first couple of days that I had office I changed these every single day just to give me a different look on about day 4, I completely forgot about it and left it the way it was.
So, just another oddity with office not one my top 12 features, but just covering it here in the, in the, in this first episode.
Okay, so that is the first of my 12 favorite features will be covering more.
If you want to try it out go to, and get it on up to five PC's and of course, I'm recording this December 18th.
This will be here for a while, it won't be here I guarantee it won't be here by the end of January.
So, sign in now we got you know, hey it's quiet over the holiday weeks here give this a try.
Oh! Hey I want to to thank you fro stopping by.
We'll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.
Learn Excel form MrExcel podcast, episode 1620.
Try Excel 2013.
Hey, welcome back to the MrExcel netcast.
I'm Bill Jelen.
Well, I've actually been gone for four months.
All the podcasts that we did up to the Model Off were recorded back in July and where have I been.
I've been writing books. I've been right updating a lot of books for Excel 2013.
22 hundred pages of content and eight hours of video and this book and this book were sent off, this book was after the printer yesterday this book sent off today.
So, they're coming along all right and the thing that's fascinating with me is Microsoft marketing you know, I'm not sure exactly how this happens the Excel team will sit down with them and say hey, here's all the cool stuff we added and then marketing chooses what they're going to show. Right?
So, if you've seen any demos from Microsoft, they're talking about flash fill and quick analysis, these aren't the good things.
Well, I don't know if you're new to Excel, yeah they're good here's the things that are really going to make a difference in your life.
All right! So, I want to take the next few episodes and go over the things that are really going to make a difference in your life, not the glitzy.
I mean nothing wrong with these, but these are the ones that as I was going through and updating the books.
Those are the ones that are really going to matter.
All right! Now, if you work for a big company, there's a good chance your IT department already has a copy of Excel 2013, but if you don't work for a big company, no worries here is a URL you can try it out for free.
It's a little bit complicated.
So, I'm actually going to walk through it go to that URL and I've got a video here, skip the video actually you're on live video come down here to click the Excel logo, right hand side under Try it, Office 365 Home Premium, this is the good one this will get you five computers that can try office 2013 and I'll all share settings and everything.
So now, we're here at Home Premium, they'll tell you all about it click the try it button, you need Windows 7 or Windows 8 by the way.
In order to use this, choose your country.
I'm in the United States and then you'll either sign in or register.
If you already have Microsoft account sign in, otherwise you'll want to sign up now.
I'll take a minute and then they'll start to download and you'll get five PC's that you can download this too.
So, you know, I mean the theory is your work laptop, your home PC, your kids PC, everyone can try it out.
All right, today we're going to start off with slicers on a, not a Pivot Table just a regular old data set.
So here's a regular old data set and I'm going to convert this to a table with control+T.
Yes my table has headers, and now new on the Table, Tools, Design tab, we have Insert Slicer.
This is cool.
So, I'm gonna insert a slicer let's say for region Product and Customer and it's a very familiar experience.
So, familiar it's just as annoying as the Pivot Tables.
So they put everything in the center of the screen on top of your data, so a little bit of fix up here, right?
So, we come to Slicer, Tools, Options, make this be three columns and change the color.
I'll make this one be wider and not as tall and then Product that can be three columns as well and then Customer, your customer is one of those big long lists, you want to make that one as tall as possible, change the color on customer.
All right! So that's very easy to filter this data.
If only one see product ABC, click that and they hide the rows.
I only want to see the East region, click that they'll hide the rows.
I only want to see Walmart, East region you see these are grayed out because there were no combinations of those just click Walmart and now we have Walmart, east, ABC you know, the other trick this isn't new at Excel 2013, but you should know this one click the AutoSum button here and see they give us the SUBTOTAL function.
So, that gives us ad hoc totals that means if I change from ABC to DEF, those totals will automatically update.
All right, Slicers great little feature in Excel 2010, Pivot Tables.
Well, Now they've been extended to Excel 2013 tables.
All right, now that's one of my top 12 features next one is not, but I'm going to talk about it anyway.
Someone commented yesterday on the white background on just how starkly white this is we can switch to light gray, let's take a look what that looks like.
So that's the light gray and also File, Account, we can switch to dark gray, none of these are as dark as the black scheme in Excel 2010, but if you hate the white, well at least you have this.
I actually found once I looked at all 3 of them well, yeah okay the white is not that bad.
So, File, Account, I'm going to go with white in the podcast.
I do have an Excel 2013 laptop and I have the surface and frankly with the touchscreen the white just looks better, which I'm guess is my way of saying that the fingerprints don't show up.
The other interesting thing is they have all these backgrounds, which only appear up here in the top right-hand corner right there that's the only place they appear the first couple of days that I had office I changed these every single day just to give me a different look on about day 4, I completely forgot about it and left it the way it was.
So, just another oddity with office not one my top 12 features, but just covering it here in the, in the, in this first episode.
Okay, so that is the first of my 12 favorite features will be covering more.
If you want to try it out go to, and get it on up to five PC's and of course, I'm recording this December 18th.
This will be here for a while, it won't be here I guarantee it won't be here by the end of January.
So, sign in now we got you know, hey it's quiet over the holiday weeks here give this a try.
Oh! Hey I want to to thank you fro stopping by.
We'll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel.