Option Explicit
' Change these to fit your needs
Private Const copyMode As Integer = 16 ' Answers "yes to all", more info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/folder-copyhere
Private Const maxFileSize As Long = 15 * 1000000 ' Size is evaluated in bytes
Private Const startPath As String = "YOUR START PATH"
' Initializing Shell and Filesystem
Private Shell As New Shell32.Shell
Private FSO As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
' Destination on desktop
Private destGreatOrEqual As Shell32.Folder3
Private destLesser As Shell32.Folder3
'/ Set reference to:
'' Microsoft Shell controls and automation
'' Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Sub MoveFiles( _
'' Init
Set destLesser = getdestinationFldr("less than 15gb")
Set destGreatOrEqual = getdestinationFldr("greater than 15gb")
'' Procedure
RecursiveFolder Shell.Namespace(startPath)
End Sub
'/ Check file size and move file to desktop
'' Go recursively through subfolders
Private Sub RecursiveFolder( _
parentFldr As Shell32.Folder3 _
On Error Resume Next
'' Variables
Dim item As Shell32.FolderItem
'' Proc
For Each item In parentFldr.Items
' Loop recursively if folder
If item.IsFolder Then
RecursiveFolder item
'' Check file size and move if greater than 15GB
ElseIf item.IsFileSystem Then
' Files greater than or EQUAL 15GB
If FSO.GetFile(item.Path).Size >= maxFileSize Then
destGreatOrEqual.CopyHere item
' Files smaller than 15GB (14.99999999)
destLesser.CopyHere item, copyMode
End If
End If
'' ****tproc
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Unexpteded error in RecursiveFolder"; Err.Number, Err.Description
End If
End Sub
'/ Returns the destination on your desktop
'' If no folder is present, a new folder is created
Private Function getdestinationFldr( _
folderName As String _
) As Shell32.Folder3
'' Variables
Dim desktopFldr As Shell32.Folder3
'' Proc
Set desktopFldr = Shell.Namespace(ssfDESKTOP) ' Desktop is a special folder, use string path if you want to
' Create new folder if folder is not present
If desktopFldr.ParseName(folderName) Is Nothing Then
desktopFldr.NewFolder folderName
End If
'' Retval
Set getdestinationFldr = desktopFldr.ParseName(folderName).GetFolder
End Function