I have an spreadsheet which has Excel tables with team data on. On one page I'm using an MS Query with SQL to query these tables.
Here's the original thread (If you really want to know):
The MS Query uses a fixed file location connection to query these tables, so if you move the file from it's original file location all the connections would break (even though the tables are in the same sheet as the queries)
So RoryA created a code to run in the workbook, each time it was opened it would update all of the connections to the new file location. The sheet works perfectly and I've had no problems with it on a PC, however the person who updates the sheet uses a Mac and whenever they tried to open the spreadsheet on their Mac it gives them the error "Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not Found" and opens up the module. Which ultimately prevents the sheet from updating the queries on query pages.
My question is,
Can someone confirm that the update connections module code that is causing the compatibility error in the Mac? (which is most likely is) and secondly is there a way around it some that this sheet could run on both a Mac and a PC?
Here's the original thread (If you really want to know):
The MS Query uses a fixed file location connection to query these tables, so if you move the file from it's original file location all the connections would break (even though the tables are in the same sheet as the queries)
So RoryA created a code to run in the workbook, each time it was opened it would update all of the connections to the new file location. The sheet works perfectly and I've had no problems with it on a PC, however the person who updates the sheet uses a Mac and whenever they tried to open the spreadsheet on their Mac it gives them the error "Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not Found" and opens up the module. Which ultimately prevents the sheet from updating the queries on query pages.

My question is,
Can someone confirm that the update connections module code that is causing the compatibility error in the Mac? (which is most likely is) and secondly is there a way around it some that this sheet could run on both a Mac and a PC?