Modify User Form to do event to each day in a range of dates


Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2010
Hi everyone, I have a user form that is part of a scheduling ws. The user form alows the user to
choose an employee from a combobox
choose a date from a combobox (had to go with combox, cause the filed doesnt have this object :( )
choose if its PTO or Off day (radio button)

It then runs though the script placing the approprate info on the scheduler and in a calendar etc..

My hopes is get help from you to modify the below code (sorry so long, thought it would be helpful) to allow me to use 2 comboboxes (for the dates) to do the same chain of events for each day in the range. i.e. If the first combobox sais 3-1-2012 and the second 3-5-2012, it will do al the events for each day in the range (in this case 5 times)

Thanks in advance for any direction. :)

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 'input
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim FindValue As String, Box As String, putName As String, FindName As String, FindNumber As String, Found As Range
Dim RowNum As Integer, ColNum As Integer
Dim r As Integer
If Me.OptionButton3 = False And Me.OptionButton4 = False And Me.OptionButton5 = False And Me.OptionButton6 = False And Me.OptionButton7 = False And Me.OptionButton8 = False And Me.OptionButton9 = False And Me.OptionButton10 = False And Me.OptionButton11 = False And Me.OptionButton12 = False And Me.OptionButton13 = False And Me.OptionButton14 = False And Me.OptionButton15 = False And Me.OptionButton16 = False And Me.OptionButton17 = False And Me.OptionButton18 = False And Me.OptionButton19 = False And Me.OptionButton20 = False And Me.OptionButton21 = False And Me.OptionButton22 = False And Me.OptionButton23 = False And Me.OptionButton24 = False And Me.OptionButton25 = False And Me.OptionButton26 = False And Me.OptionButton27 = False And Me.OptionButton28 = False And Me.OptionButton29 = False And Me.OptionButton30 = False Then
MsgBox "Please Choose an Employee..."
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.OptionButton1 = False And Me.OptionButton2 = False Then
MsgBox "Please Choose PTO or OFF..."
Exit Sub
End If
If Me.ComboBox1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Choose an Date..."
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("MyStoreInfo").Visible = True
Sheets("MyStoreInfo").Rows("11:157").Hidden = False
FindValue = Me.ComboBox1.Value
If Me.OptionButton1 = True Then
Box = "O"
End If
If Me.OptionButton2 = True Then
Box = "P"
End If
    'On Error GoTo finish
   Selection.Find(What:=FindValue, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
        xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
        , SearchFormat:=False).Activate
    'On Error GoTo 0
    RowNum = ActiveCell.Row
    ColNum = ActiveCell.Column
If Me.OptionButton3 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox1.Value & " " & Me.TextBox2.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton4 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox3.Value & " " & Me.TextBox4.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton5 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox5.Value & " " & Me.TextBox6.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton6 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox7.Value & " " & Me.TextBox8.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton7 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox9.Value & " " & Me.TextBox10.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton8 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox11.Value & " " & Me.TextBox12.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton9 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox13.Value & " " & Me.TextBox14.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton10 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox15.Value & " " & Me.TextBox16.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton11 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox17.Value & " " & Me.TextBox18.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton12 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox19.Value & " " & Me.TextBox20.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton13 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox21.Value & " " & Me.TextBox22.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton14 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox23.Value & " " & Me.TextBox24.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton15 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox25.Value & " " & Me.TextBox26.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton16 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox27.Value & " " & Me.TextBox28.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton17 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox29.Value & " " & Me.TextBox30.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton18 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox31.Value & " " & Me.TextBox32.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton19 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox33.Value & " " & Me.TextBox34.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton20 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox35.Value & " " & Me.TextBox36.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton21 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox37.Value & " " & Me.TextBox38.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton22 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox39.Value & " " & Me.TextBox40.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton23 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox41.Value & " " & Me.TextBox42.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton24 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox43.Value & " " & Me.TextBox44.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton25 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox45.Value & " " & Me.TextBox46.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton26 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox47.Value & " " & Me.TextBox48.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton27 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox49.Value & " " & Me.TextBox50.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton28 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox51.Value & " " & Me.TextBox52.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton29 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox53.Value & " " & Me.TextBox54.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton30 = True Then
    putName = Me.TextBox55.Value & " " & Me.TextBox56.Value
End If
    For r = 1 To 28
        If Cells(RowNum + r, ColNum) = "" Or Cells(RowNum + r, ColNum) = putName Then
            Cells(RowNum + r, ColNum) = putName
            Cells(RowNum + r, ColNum + 1) = Box
    'begin part that inputs the letter to Schedule Template
If Me.OptionButton3 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox1.Value & " " & Me.TextBox2.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton4 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox3.Value & " " & Me.TextBox4.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton5 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox5.Value & " " & Me.TextBox6.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton6 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox7.Value & " " & Me.TextBox8.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton7 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox9.Value & " " & Me.TextBox10.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton8 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox11.Value & " " & Me.TextBox12.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton9 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox13.Value & " " & Me.TextBox14.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton10 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox15.Value & " " & Me.TextBox16.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton11 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox17.Value & " " & Me.TextBox18.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton12 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox19.Value & " " & Me.TextBox20.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton13 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox21.Value & " " & Me.TextBox22.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton14 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox23.Value & " " & Me.TextBox24.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton15 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox25.Value & " " & Me.TextBox26.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton16 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox27.Value & " " & Me.TextBox28.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton17 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox29.Value & " " & Me.TextBox30.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton18 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox31.Value & " " & Me.TextBox32.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton19 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox33.Value & " " & Me.TextBox34.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton20 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox35.Value & " " & Me.TextBox36.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton21 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox37.Value & " " & Me.TextBox38.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton22 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox39.Value & " " & Me.TextBox40.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton23 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox41.Value & " " & Me.TextBox42.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton24 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox43.Value & " " & Me.TextBox44.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton25 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox45.Value & " " & Me.TextBox46.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton26 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox47.Value & " " & Me.TextBox48.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton27 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox49.Value & " " & Me.TextBox50.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton28 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox51.Value & " " & Me.TextBox52.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton29 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox53.Value & " " & Me.TextBox54.Value
End If
If Me.OptionButton30 = True Then
    FindName = Me.TextBox55.Value & " " & Me.TextBox56.Value
End If
FindNumber = Me.ComboBox1.Value
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("Schedule Tool1", "Schedule Tool2", "Schedule Tool3", "Schedule Tool4", "Schedule Tool5"))
ws.Visible = True
ws.Rows.Hidden = False
     'On Error GoTo finish
        Set Found = ws.Range("A:A").Find(What:=FindNumber, After:=ws.Range("A3"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
        xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
        False, SearchFormat:=False)
    If Not Found Is Nothing Then
    Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
    Selection.Find(What:=FindName, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
        xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:= _
        xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Select
    RowNum = ActiveCell.Row
    ColNum = ActiveCell.Column
    Cells(RowNum, ColNum + 88) = Box
    End If
'end part that inputs the letter to Schedule Template
            For Each ws In Sheets(Array("Schedule Tool1", "Schedule Tool2", "Schedule Tool3", "Schedule Tool4", "Schedule Tool5"))
            ws.Visible = False
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Exit Sub
            ElseIf Cells(RowNum + r, ColNum + 1) = putName Then
            MsgBox ("You have already input that name here.")
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Exit Sub
            If r = 28 Then
                MsgBox ("No more room")
                Application.ScreenUpdating = True
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    For Each ws In Sheets(Array("Schedule Tool1", "Schedule Tool2", "Schedule Tool3", "Schedule Tool4", "Schedule Tool5"))
    ws.Visible = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox ("Date not found")
MsgBox "Please Choose an Employee..."
End Sub
Hi everyone, I have a user form that is part of a scheduling ws. The user form alows the user to
choose an employee from a combobox
choose a date from a combobox (had to go with combox, cause the filed doesnt have this object :( )
choose if its PTO or Off day (radio button)

It then runs though the script placing the approprate info on the scheduler and in a calendar etc..

My hopes is get help from you to modify the below code (sorry so long, thought it would be helpful) to allow me to use 2 comboboxes (for the dates) to do the same chain of events for each day in the range. i.e. If the first combobox sais 3-1-2012 and the second 3-5-2012, it will do al the events for each day in the range (in this case 5 times)

Thanks in advance for any direction. :)

Hi everyone, any chance anyone would be able to provide some feeback/direction?

Thanks in advance.

Upvote 0
Hi everyone, any chance anyone would be able to provide some feeback/direction?

Thanks in advance.


I was thinking I would need to add an additional drop down for the end date range and then somekind of "count" and "for each" coding to do the above steps for each date in the range, if that seems right to anyone (if not please course correct me :) ) would anyone have an idea how and where to add that into the code I have now?

Thanks very much for having a look.

Upvote 0
I was thinking I would need to add an additional drop down for the end date range and then somekind of "count" and "for each" coding to do the above steps for each date in the range, if that seems right to anyone (if not please course correct me :) ) would anyone have an idea how and where to add that into the code I have now?

Thanks very much for having a look.


Still trying :) Has anyone had any experience with running a series of steps that are repeated over for a range of date, that maybe I could use to intigrate into my tool?

Thaks for any input.

Upvote 0
Still trying :) Has anyone had any experience with running a series of steps that are repeated over for a range of date, that maybe I could use to intigrate into my tool?

Thaks for any input.


Sorry folks, i keep bringing this up, hoping a GURU will happen by and provide some direction. :)

Upvote 0

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